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Re: Reporting unused local variables

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Reporting unused local variables
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 23:51:16 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Hello Guilers!

Here's a third attempt.  This time, it's done as a separate pass at the
tree-il level *and* in a purely functional way.

I owe a great debt to a famous Scheme hacker whose paper /Applications
of fold to XML transformation/ was a invaluable source of
inspiration [0].  Thanks!  :-)

If we agree on this approach, I'll polish it up, make the pass optional
based on compilation options (disabled by default), and separate out the
UI-related things (messages, that is).



    This one is not the "official" version with the ACM copyright, but
    it can easily be found on the Internet (and the content is
    essentially the same, I think.)

diff --git a/module/language/tree-il/analyze.scm 
index 4ed796c..1e97c49 100644
--- a/module/language/tree-il/analyze.scm
+++ b/module/language/tree-il/analyze.scm
@@ -307,4 +307,150 @@
   (analyze! x #f)
   (allocate! x #f 0)
+  (report-unused-variables x)
+(define (tree-il-fold leaf down up seed tree)
+  "Traverse TREE, calling LEAF on each leaf encountered, DOWN upon descent
+into a sub-tree, and UP when leaving a sub-tree.  Each of these procedures is
+invoked as `(PROC TREE SEED)', where TREE is the sub-tree or leaf considered
+and SEED is the current result, intially seeded with SEED.
+This is an implementation of `foldts' as described by Andy Wingo in
+``Applications of fold to XML transformation''."
+  (let loop ((tree   tree)
+             (result seed))
+    (if (or (null? tree) (pair? tree))
+        (fold loop result tree)
+        (record-case tree
+          ((<lexical-set> exp)
+           (up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
+          ((<module-set> exp)
+           (up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
+          ((<toplevel-set> exp)
+           (up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
+          ((<toplevel-define> exp)
+           (up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
+          ((<conditional> test then else)
+           (up tree (loop else
+                          (loop then
+                                (loop test (down tree result))))))
+          ((<application> proc args)
+           (up tree (loop (cons proc args) (down tree result))))
+          ((<sequence> exps)
+           (up tree (loop exps (down tree result))))
+          ((<lambda> body)
+           (up tree (loop body (down tree result))))
+          ((<let> vals body)
+           (up tree (loop body
+                          (loop vals
+                                (down tree result)))))
+          ((<letrec> vals body)
+           (up tree (loop body
+                          (loop vals
+                                (down tree result)))))
+          ((<let-values> body)
+           (up tree (loop body (down tree result))))
+          (else
+           (leaf tree result))))))
+(define (make-binding-info vars refs) (vector vars refs))
+(define (binding-info-vars info)      (vector-ref info 0))
+(define (binding-info-refs info)      (vector-ref info 1))
+(define (report-unused-variables tree)
+  "Report about unused variables in TREE.  Return TREE."
+  (define (location-string loc)
+    (if (pair? loc)
+        (format #f "~a:~a:~a"
+                (or (assoc-ref loc 'filename) "<stdin>")
+                (1+ (assoc-ref loc 'line))
+                (assoc-ref loc 'column))
+        "<unknown-location>"))
+  (define (dotless-list lst)
+    ;; If LST is a dotted list, return a proper list equal to LST except that
+    ;; the very last element is a pair; otherwise return LST.
+    (let loop ((lst    lst)
+               (result '()))
+      (cond ((null? lst)
+             (reverse result))
+            ((pair? lst)
+             (loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) result)))
+            (else
+             (loop '() (cons lst result))))))
+  (tree-il-fold (lambda (x info)
+                  ;; X is a leaf: extend INFO's refs accordingly.
+                  (let ((refs (binding-info-refs info))
+                        (vars (binding-info-vars info)))
+                    (record-case x
+                      ((<lexical-ref> gensym)
+                       (make-binding-info vars (cons gensym refs)))
+                      (else info))))
+                (lambda (x info)
+                  ;; Going down into X: extend INFO's variable list
+                  ;; accordingly.
+                  (let ((refs (binding-info-refs info))
+                        (vars (binding-info-vars info))
+                        (src  (tree-il-src x)))
+                    (define (extend inner-vars inner-names)
+                      (append (map (lambda (var name)
+                                     (list var name src))
+                                   inner-vars
+                                   inner-names)
+                              vars))
+                    (record-case x
+                      ((<lexical-set> gensym)
+                       (make-binding-info vars (cons gensym refs)))
+                      ((<lambda> vars names)
+                       (let ((vars  (dotless-list vars))
+                             (names (dotless-list names)))
+                         (make-binding-info (extend vars names) refs)))
+                      ((<let> vars names)
+                       (make-binding-info (extend vars names) refs))
+                      ((<letrec> vars names)
+                       (make-binding-info (extend vars names) refs))
+                      ((<let-values> vars names)
+                       (make-binding-info (extend vars names) refs))
+                      (else info))))
+                (lambda (x info)
+                  ;; Leaving X's scope: shrink INFO's variable list
+                  ;; accordingly and reported unused nested variables.
+                  (let ((refs (binding-info-refs info))
+                        (vars (binding-info-vars info)))
+                    (define (shrink inner-vars refs)
+                      (for-each (lambda (var)
+                                  (let ((gensym (car var)))
+                                    (if (not (memq gensym refs))
+                                        (let ((name (cadr var))
+                                              (loc  (location-string (caddr 
+                                          (format (current-error-port)
+                                                  "~A: variable `~A' never 
+                                                  loc name)))))
+                                (filter (lambda (var)
+                                          (memq (car var) inner-vars))
+                                        vars))
+                      (fold alist-delete vars inner-vars))
+                    ;; XXX: For simplicity, we leave REFS untouched, i.e.,
+                    ;; with names of variables that are now going out of
+                    ;; scope.  It doesn't hurt as these are unique names, it
+                    ;; just makes REFS unnecessarily fat.
+                    (record-case x
+                      ((<lambda> vars)
+                       (let ((vars (dotless-list vars)))
+                         (make-binding-info (shrink vars refs) refs)))
+                      ((<let> vars)
+                       (make-binding-info (shrink vars refs) refs))
+                      ((<letrec> vars)
+                       (make-binding-info (shrink vars refs) refs))
+                      ((<let-values> vars)
+                       (make-binding-info (shrink vars refs) refs))
+                      (else info))))
+                (make-binding-info '() '())
+                tree)
+  tree)

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