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Potential bug with SRFI-19 Time, seconds and nanoseconds flipped

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: Potential bug with SRFI-19 Time, seconds and nanoseconds flipped
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2017 09:59:12 +0100

The seconds and nanoseconds fields seem to get swapped around, but I
can't quite work out how.

See the trace below, the values seem right at the point where
#<time type: time-tai nanosecond: 670560000 second: 1500195344>
is created, but the final value seems to have the values the
wrong way around.

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scheme@(guile-user)> ,m (srfi srfi-19)
scheme@(srfi srfi-19)> (current-time-monotonic)
$1 = #<time type: time-monotonic nanosecond: 500195342 second: 273413001>
scheme@(srfi srfi-19)> ,trace (current-time-monotonic) 273413001>
trace: (current-time-monotonic)
trace: |  (current-time-tai)
trace: |  |  (gettimeofday)
trace: |  |  (1500195308 . 670560)
trace: |  |  (leap-second-delta 1500195308)
trace: |  |  36
trace: |  (make-time time-tai 670560000 1500195344)
trace: |  (time-normalize! #<time type: time-tai nanosecond: 670560000 second: 
trace: |  |  (abs 670560000)
trace: |  |  670560000
trace: |  #<time type: time-tai nanosecond: 670560000 second: 1500195344>
trace: (make-time time-monotonic 1500195344 670560000)
trace: (time-normalize! #<time type: time-monotonic nanosecond: 1500195344 
second: 670560000>)
trace: |  (abs 1500195344)
trace: |  1500195344
trace: |  (split-real 1500195344)
trace: |  |  (integer? 1500195344)
trace: |  |  #t
trace: |  |  (inexact->exact 1500195344)
trace: |  |  1500195344
trace: |  2 values: 1500195344 0
trace: #<time type: time-monotonic nanosecond: 500195344 second: 670560001>

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