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Re: [Fwd: Re: First look at new g-wrap -- it's slow!]

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: First look at new g-wrap -- it's slow!]
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 16:19:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Andy Wingo <address@hidden> writes:

> On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 09:31, Andy Wingo wrote:
>> I took a first look at the new g-wrap. Yes I know I've been a bit
>> derelict. Oh well. Here are my thoughts and concerns.
> I think the "Send" button in my mail client makes me think less before
> and more after ;)
[making <gw-value> an instance of <gw-type>]

I already thought about wether this would be possible, but given my
relative little experience with metaclasses, I've not given it a shot

[hierarchy changes]

I'll definitly give this a go.

> Regarding the dual-namespace issue: The set of dependencies for a
> wrapset is known when the wrapset is derived. Why not just make
> #:dependencies take a kwarg, like
>  (define-class <miscutils-wrapset> (<gw-guile-wrapset>)
>     #:dependencies (list <gw-standard-wrapset>))
Good idea; this would then work similiar to the #:language and #:types
warpset class options.

> Takes care of depends-on! and the dual namespaces in one step. No more
> registry. Or if you don't like lists or quasi-quote you could do it like
> define-module does, with `#:use-wrapset <foo> #:use-wrapset <bar>' or
> something.
I think class arguments are resolved at definition time, so you'd get
'undefined symbol <foo>', I think. The registry however serves some
other purposes:

1) Assign a unique symbol to each wrapset independently of the class
   name; this is used e.g. for the name of the shared library.

2) Instanciate a given wrapset just once; e.g. when one has wrapsets
   A, B and C, both B and C depend on A. When you now create wrappers
   for B and C from the same program, A will only be instanciated
   once, instead of twice. I know we don't use this yet (only one
   wrapset generated by per guile invocation), but it might come handy

> The new code makes (gnome gtk) load slower for me (~13s vs ~10s), and
> also defines about 1000 more symbols, about 65 more with the <gtk-
> prefix. The numerical difference is probably due to gtk 2.4 vs 2.2.
> Damn. I was expecting it to load up in less time.
Probably the additional slowness is because of the higher number of
symbols. Seems Guile just doesn't scale in that regard.

Other than that, G-Wrap TNG has two "modes", the more tradiditional
one, where it will create a C wrapper functions, and the one where it
uses libffi. In libffi mode, the C runtime has more information
available and can thus (assumingly) create the generics a bit faster
in a loop. You can switch the mode by toggling

(define-class <gw-rti-wrapset> (<gw-wrapset>)
  (c-info-sym #:getter c-info-sym #:init-form (gen-c-tmp "c_info"))
  (function-rti? #:getter function-rti?
                 #:init-keyword #:function-rti?
                 #:init-value #t))
that value in rti.scm.

> I tried to profile it but I don't have a working copy of guile's
> sources to compile with profiling. I then compiled it (and the new
> g-wrap) with -O3, which died after about 13 minutes of compilation
> with gcc-3.3. Instead of dying nicely, gcc-3.2 was oom-killed. Tried
> again with -O2. Same. Tried with -O. It worked, but with no
> performance improvement.
Could you check which mode you used? You can easily do so by looking
at the generated .scm files; they will contain lots of
%gw:procedure->method-public calls if they were created in traditional
mode; also the generated .c file will be huge (> 100K lines).

> Moral of the story: -O doesn't help. Profiling would help, but you
> need an instrumented guile to do that. What's wrong? What does your
> performance difference look like?
I'm just compiling an 0.5.3, so I can compare.

> Is it just that the bottleneck is the
> same (add-method!)?
The most time is still spent in add-method, altough using Guile 1.7
(IIRC) helps and libffi mode help a bit.

> Now, to the nits:
> In the docs you give the example, (generate-wrapset guile 'my-wrapset
> "my-wrapset"). Why is there a need for a secondary namespace of
> wrapsets? Wouldn't (generate-wrapset <my-wrapset> "my-wrapset") suffice?
> Same with depends-on!.
See my comments above on the registry.

> Also, I think depends-on! is a bad name, because it doesn't include a
> verb. If you do an apropos on "!", you'll find all of those procedures
> include a verb. Perhaps add-dependency! or something would be good. I
> even like ws-add-dependency! better. More about generics in an email to
> guile-user.
Agreed, altough one can do away completely with this method, as you

> Another thing I don't understand is, when defining new types, why do you
> have to derive a class, then instantiate the derived class? Is this to
> get around GOOPS' lack of class methods?
> I think the type parameter of the unwrap-value-cg and wrap-value-cg
> methods should be a <timespec64-type>. Also the second unwrap-value-cg
> should be wrap-value-cg. I think you were sleepy when you wrote those ;)
> Regarding the C output: it's difficult to read. Perhaps it should be run
> through indent if indent is available. Dunno.
Agreed; that might be good idea.

> Another C issue: Why do functions need any prefix other than _wrapper? I
> see the need from a generality perspective, but even the current method
> isn't foolproof -- the only way to be completely general is to allow the
> user to specify the name of the c wrapper herself. Python does it this
> way.
You mean why wrapper functions are named gw__tmpXXX_FOOBAR_wrapper?
Why do yu have a problem with that?

> Your scheme modules in general need a couple-sentence commentary at the
> top. For example, it took me a while of poking around to figure out what
> rti means. A short sentence or two would orient the reader as to what
> the file is trying to do.

> Is it possibile to include this code in our tarball via arch
> multi-projects? It's appealing in light of the 2.8 bindings process, and
> the slowness of g-wrap releases.
Yes, I think this actually is a great idea; I'll look into this shortly.

> In the docs: the C values that need _destruction_, not deconstruction, I
> think. Also, shouldn't it be destroy-value-cg instead of
> destruct-value-cg?
Yep, destroy is probably a better name.

> One of the g-wrap tests fails: "output arguments work as advertised"
I have a fix for this ready -- output arguments only work in
traditional mode, yet.

> OK. It looks good, but the lack of class methods, the dual namespaces,
> and performance problems really are problems. What can we do to fix
> those? 
The performance issue is a bad one. Guile 1.7 makes this quite a bit
better IIRC (when I tuned the stuff, I used 1.7), but there is not
much we can do about it.

> And in the meantime, can we / should we use it in guile-gnome?
We can, as proven by the split modules, which already *depend* on
G-Wrap TNG :-p. I think we should, too. Output and defaults arguments
are a good reason IMHO.

Cheers, Andy
Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden      | address@hidden | address@hidden      | GnuPG Key:
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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