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new status

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: new status
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 19:37:40 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

Hi all!

I realized that the way I did the merge to `master' (what was
`platform') did not preserve the history in a way that git could
understand it.

Therefore I have rebased `master' to have a more proper merge, so that
one can cd into a directory and get a useful git log --follow foo.c.  I
have also continued with Mark's cleanups.

Because this is a rewrite of some parts of the git history, and because
`master' is the default branch for the savannah git repo, savannah is
not allowing me to make the update to `master'.  Therefore this work is
on `platform'.  I have opened a ticket with savannah folks and will
merge it to `master' ASAP.

Until this merge is complete, it's probably a good idea to hold off on
pushing to `master'.  However the patches will still apply, so don't let
that prevent people from sending them to the list! :-)

In other news, I have also done the same to the "other" repositories:
clutter, gstreamer, libwnck, gtksourceview, and even the ones in the
attic: evolution-data-server, dbus, libgda, and panel-applet.  Only some
of these are likely to be useful going forward, but I wanted to remove
all remnants of the old system.  These packages can be checked out like,

   git clone git://
   git checkout -b clutter origin/clutter
   ./configure --prefix=... && make && make install

Actually that should work for all packages, including what is now

Sorry for the confusion, but friends, it is time to fix things :)

One other thing: guile-gnome was not started by FSF folks, so it
actually doesn't need FSF assignment, if I understand the policy
correctly.  What do people think about it?  Is it useful to retain the
ability to e.g. change the license?  One could imagine changing it to
LGPLv3+ at some point, for example, if Richard thinks it's a good idea.
That's something that assignment could allow us.  OTOH keeping track of
these things is a royal pain.  Anyway, input on this point is

OK, that's a long enough mail.  Happy hacking!


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