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Re: Module dependency graph

From: thi
Subject: Re: Module dependency graph
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 18:42:24 -0800

   From: Keisuke Nishida <address@hidden>
   Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 21:19:53 -0500

   This is a little tool that generates a diagram of Guile's
   module dependency.

   [code snipped]

eep!  you can't post perl in a guile mailing list and get away with it!
below is a translation...  will end up being incorporated into GUMM
sooner or later (or maybe (ice-9 wool-navel-gather-gazing) :-).

this program also handles `use-modules' top-level forms and avoids
false-positives inherent in a regexp-based approach.  i didn't actually
download the DOT program, so if you could hint me the appropriate syntax
for a different line style, i will extend this to handle autoloads, etc.

[guile-sources added to cc; please remove in replies where inappropriate.]


exec guile -s $0 "$@"                           # -*- scheme -*-
;;; Copyright (C) 2001 Thien-Thi Nguyen
;;; This program is part of ttn-do, released under GNU GPL v2 with ABSOLUTELY
;;; NO WARRANTY.  See for details.

(use-modules (ice-9 regex) (ttn echo) (ttn ftw) (ttn eformat))
(define ec ";")                         ; end command
(define default-module '(guile))        ; hmmm

;; Header
(for-each echo '("digraph use2dot {"
                 "  label = \"Guile Module Dependencies\";"
                 "  rankdir = LR;"
                 "  size = \"7.5,10\";"
                 "  ratio = fill;"
                 "  nodesep = \"0.05\";"))

(define (grok-n-spew filename)
  (let* ((p (open-file filename "r"))
         (next (lambda () (read p)))
         (curmod #f)
         (spew (lambda (module use)
                 (echo #[  "${module}" -> "${use}"$ec]))))
    (let loop ((form (next)))
      (or (eof-object? form)
            (and (list? form)
                 (case (car form)
                    (let ((module (cadr form)))
                      (set! curmod module)
                      (let loop ((ls form))
                        (or (null? ls)
                            (null? (cdr ls))
                            (if (eq? ':use-module (car ls))
                                (begin (spew module (cadr ls))
                                       (loop (cddr ls)))
                                (loop (cdr ls)))))))
                    (let ((module (or curmod default-module)))
                      (for-each (lambda (use) (spew module use))
                                (cdr form))))))
            (loop (next)))))))

;; Body
(for-each (lambda (file)
            (ftw file (lambda (filename statinfo flag)
                        (and (eq? 'regular flag)
                             (string-match "\\.scm$" filename)
                             (grok-n-spew filename))
          (let ((ls (cdr (command-line))))
            (cond ((null? ls) '("."))
                  (else ls))))

;; Footer
(echo "}")


;;; use2dot ends here

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