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Re: 1.6.0 problems with libguilereadline-v-12 and fix

From: Robert Uhl <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 1.6.0 problems with libguilereadline-v-12 and fix
Date: 21 Sep 2002 09:46:42 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.2

address@hidden (Paul Jarc) writes:
> Here's one I like: <URL:>.  This
> system puts each installation of each package in its own directory,
> so it's safe to install before testing.

The problem with that is it makes utter hell out of one's PATH--and
users don't get all apps by default.  Plus you get problems with tools
such as info and man expecting files in certain locations, so you get
to play with MANPATH (and INFOPATH, if there is such a thing).

I like how stow does it: everything goes in its own folder in
/usr/local/stow, and the stow command creates links from
/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/etc &c. to there.  It has some problems
with things like info's dir file--which is an index of all info
files--but a quick hack can fix that.  When you uninstall, you just
run stow -D, which deletes the links.  Then you may remove the
package's directory.

You can also use /usr/stow and get links in /usr/bin, /usr/etc,
/usr/share &c., or ~/stow or what-have-you.  It's a very flexible

Plus, it's generally as simple as:

    sudo make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/PACKAGE_NAME

which is awfully nice.

> Adopting slashpackage means abandoning the FHS, but if Guile wants
> to convert in spite of that, I'd be thrilled.

I don't think that's a very good idea--the FHS is a nice thing, and
exists for a reason.

Robert Uhl <address@hidden>
Some people are born blind, others are born crippled, and some are born
Americans.  One should not be held responsible for what is essentially an
accident of birth.                                        --Harald Horgen

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