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16/16: build-derivations: move environment code to (guix store environme

From: guix-commits
Subject: 16/16: build-derivations: move environment code to (guix store environment)
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2019 17:25:30 -0400 (EDT)

reepca pushed a commit to branch guile-daemon
in repository guix.

commit b1ff58038ec310cd890e29807a4ab4133db53c8b
Author: Caleb Ristvedt <address@hidden>
Date:   Sat Apr 20 02:24:25 2019 -0500

    build-derivations: move environment code to (guix store environment)
    Code for handling environments has been moved from (guix store
    build-derivations) to (guix store environment), along with some basic useful
    environments - namely, the various build environments that can be used.
    * guix/store/build-derivations.scm (<build-environment>, build-environment?,
      etc): replaced by <environment> and such in (guix store environment).
      (builtin-download): now does a proper exec of download script.
      (all-input-output-paths, all-transitive-inputs): moved to (guix store
      (build-directory-name, prepare-build-environment,
      disable-address-randomization, setup-i/o, open-builder-pipe,
      attempt-substitute?): Removed.
      (build-environment-vars, default-files, format-file, mkdir-p*,
      add-core-files, path-already-assigned?, special-filesystems, 
      dump-port, %default-chroot-dirs): moved to (guix store environment).
      (%keep-build-dir?): new variable
      (get-build-user, get-build-group, copy-outputs, 
      new procedures.
      (%build-derivation, run-builder): adjusted to use <environment> from (guix
      store environment).
    * guix/store/database.scm (all-input-output-paths, all-transitive-inputs): 
    * guix/store/environment.scm: new module.
      (build-environment-vars, default-files, format-file, mkdir-p*,
      add-core-files, path-already-assigned?, special-filesystems, input->mount,
      dump-port): procedures moved from (guix store build-derivations).
      (<environment>): new record type.
      (%standard-preserved-fds): new variable.
      (delete-environment, run-in-environment, bind-mount, temp-directory,
      standard-i/o-setup, derivation-tempname, default-personality,
      nonchroot-build-environment, builtin-builder-environment,
      chroot-build-environment, redirected-path, redirect-outputs, run-standard,
      wait-for-build): new procedures.
    * add guix/store/environment.scm to STORE_MODULES.
---                      |   3 +-
 guix/store/build-derivations.scm | 564 ++++++++-------------------------------
 guix/store/database.scm          |  24 +-
 guix/store/environment.scm       | 508 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 639 insertions(+), 460 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1fbbaa9..8eb1292 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -285,7 +285,8 @@ STORE_MODULES =                                     \
   guix/store/database.scm                      \
   guix/store/deduplication.scm                 \
   guix/store/roots.scm                         \
-  guix/store/build-derivations.scm
+  guix/store/build-derivations.scm             \
+  guix/store/environment.scm
diff --git a/guix/store/build-derivations.scm b/guix/store/build-derivations.scm
index 6fdd7b4..6b3dbf8 100644
--- a/guix/store/build-derivations.scm
+++ b/guix/store/build-derivations.scm
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
   #:use-module (guix build store-copy)
   #:use-module (gnu system file-systems)
-  #:use-module (gnu build linux-container)
   #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
@@ -48,37 +47,9 @@
   #:use-module (ice-9 q)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-43)
   #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+  #:use-module (guix store environment)
   #:export (build-derivation))
-(define-record-type <build-environment>
-  (make-build-environment drv build-dir-inside build-dir env-vars input-paths
-                          filesystems user group)
-  build-environment?
-  (drv        build-environment-derivation) ; <derivation> this is for.
-  (build-dir-inside build-directory-inside) ; path of chroot directory.
-  (build-dir  build-directory)              ; build dir (outside chroot).
-  (env-vars   build-environment-variables)  ; alist of environment variables.
-  (input-paths build-input-paths)           ; list of paths or pairs of paths.
-  (filesystems build-filesystems)           ; list of <file-system> objects.
-  (user        build-environment-user)      ; the user id to build with.
-  (group       build-environment-group))    ; the group id to build with.      
-;;; The derivation building process:
-;;; 1. Build inputs if necessary.
-;;; 2. Make a build directory under TMPDIR or /tmp
-;;; 3. Gather all the inputs and sources and anything they transitively
-;;; reference and put them in the store in the chroot directory.
-;;; 4. Make an output directory for the build under /gnu/store in the build
-;;; directory.
-;;; 5. Set all the environment variables listed in the derivation, some of
-;;; which we have to honor ourselves, like "preferLocalBuild",
-;;; "allowSubstitutes", "allowedReferences", "disallowedReferences", and
-;;; "impureEnvVars".
-;;; 6. Run the builder in a chroot where the build directory is the root.
 (define (output-paths drv)
   "Return all store output paths produced by DRV."
   (match (derivation-outputs drv)
@@ -99,13 +70,20 @@
             (store-info output-path (derivation-file-name drv) references))))
        (derivation-outputs drv)))
-(define (builtin-download drv)
-  ((@@ (guix scripts perform-download) perform-download) drv)
-  (get-output-specs drv (all-transitive-inputs drv)))
+(define (builtin-download drv outputs)
+  "Download DRV outputs OUTPUTS into the store."
+  (setenv "NIX_STORE" %store-directory)
+  ;; XXX: Set _NIX_OPTIONS once client settings are known
+  (execl (string-append %libexecdir "/download")
+         "download"
+         (derivation-file-name drv)
+         ;; We assume this has only a single output
+         (derivation-output-path (cdr (first outputs)))))
 ;; if a derivation builder name is in here, it is a builtin. For normal
 ;; behavior, make sure everything starts with "builtin:". Also, the procedures
-;; stored in here should take a single argument, the derivation.
+;; stored in here should take two arguments, the derivation and the list of
+;; (output-name . <derivation-output>)s to be built.
 (define builtins
   (let ((builtins-table (make-hash-table 10)))
@@ -114,395 +92,31 @@
-;; We might want to add to this sometime.
-(define %default-chroot-dirs
-  '())
-(define* (build-directory-name drv #:optional
-                               (attempt 0)
-                               (temp-directory %temp-directory))
-  (string-append temp-directory
-                 "/guix-build-"
-                 (store-path-package-name (derivation-file-name drv))
-                 "-"
-                 (number->string attempt)))
-(define* (make-build-directory drv #:optional (temp-directory %temp-directory))
-  (let try-again ((attempt-number 0))
-    (catch 'system-error
-      (lambda ()
-        (let ((build-dir (build-directory-name drv
-                                               attempt-number
-                                               temp-directory)))
-          (mkdir build-dir #o0700)
-          build-dir))
-      (lambda args
-        (if (= (system-error-errno args) EEXIST)
-            (try-again (+ attempt-number 1))
-            (throw args))))))
-(define (build-environment-vars drv in-chroot-build-dir)
-  "Returns an alist of environment variable / value pairs for every
-environment variable that should be set during the build execution."
-  (let ((leaked-vars (and
-                      (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
-                      (let ((leak-string
-                             (assoc-ref (derivation-builder-environment-vars 
-                                        "impureEnvVars")))
-                        (and leak-string
-                             (string-tokenize leak-string
-                                              (char-set-complement
-                                               (char-set #\space))))))))
-    (append `(("PATH"             .  "/path-not-set")
-              ("HOME"             .  "/homeless-shelter")
-              ("NIX_STORE"        .  ,%store-directory)
-              ;; XXX: make this configurable
-              ("NIX_BUILD_CORES"  .  "0")
-              ("NIX_BUILD_TOP"    .  ,in-chroot-build-dir)
-              ;; why yes that is something like /tmp/guix-build-<drv>-0, yes
-              ;; indeed it does not make much sense to make that the TMPDIR
-              ;; instead of /tmp, and no I do not know why the C++ code does it
-              ;; that way.
-              ("TMPDIR"           .  ,in-chroot-build-dir)
-              ("TEMPDIR"          .  ,in-chroot-build-dir)
-              ("TMP"              .  ,in-chroot-build-dir)
-              ("TEMP"             .  ,in-chroot-build-dir)
-              ("PWD"              .  ,in-chroot-build-dir))
-            (if (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
-                '(("NIX_OUTPUT_CHECKED" . "1"))
-                '())
-            (if leaked-vars
-                ;; leaked vars might not be defined.
-                (filter cdr
-                        (map (lambda (leaked-var)
-                               (cons leaked-var (getenv leaked-var)))
-                             leaked-vars))
-                '())
-            (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))))
-(define (default-files drv)
-  "Returns a list of the files to be bind-mounted that aren't store items or
-already added by call-with-container."
-  `(,@(if (file-exists? "/dev/kvm")
-          '("/dev/kvm")
-          '())
-    ,@(if (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
-          '("/etc/resolv.conf"
-            "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
-            "/etc/services"
-            "/etc/hosts")
-          '())))
-;; yes, there is most likely already something that does this.
-(define (format-file file-name . args)
-  (call-with-output-file file-name
-    (lambda (port)
-      (apply simple-format port args))))
-(define* (mkdir-p* dir #:optional permissions)
-  (mkdir-p dir)
-  (when permissions
-    (chmod dir permissions)))
-(define (add-core-files environment)
-  "Creates core files that will not vary when the derivation is constant. That
-is, whether these files are present or not is influenced solely by the
-derivation itself."
-  (let ((uid (build-environment-user environment))
-        (gid (build-environment-group environment)))
-    (mkdir-p* %store-directory #o1775)
-    (chown %store-directory uid gid)
-    (mkdir-p* "/tmp" #o1777)
-    (mkdir-p* "/etc")
-    (format-file "/etc/passwd"
-                 (string-append "nixbld:x:~a:~a:Nix build user:/:/noshell~%"
-                                "nobody:x:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/noshell~%")
-                 uid gid)
-    (format-file "/etc/group"
-                 "nixbld:!:~a:~%"
-                 (build-environment-group environment))
-    (unless (fixed-output-derivation?
-             (build-environment-derivation environment))
-      (format-file "/etc/hosts" " localhost~%"))))
-(define (path-already-assigned? path paths)
-  "Determines whether something is already going to be bind-mounted to PATH
-based on what is in PATHS, which should be a list of paths or path pairs."
-  (find (match-lambda
-          ((source . target)
-           (string= target path))
-          (target
-           (string= target path)))
-        paths))
-(define* (prepare-build-environment drv #:key
-                                    build-chroot-dirs 
-                                    (extra-chroot-dirs '())
-                                    (build-user (getuid))
-                                    (build-group (getgid)))
-  "Creates a <build-environment> for the derivation DRV. BUILD-CHROOT-DIRS
-will override the default chroot directories, EXTRA-CHROOT-DIRS will
-not. Those two arguments should be #f or lists of either file names or pairs
-of file names of the form (outside . inside). Returns the <build-environment>
-and a list of all the files in the store that could be referenced."
-  (let* ((build-dir (make-build-directory drv))
-         (build-dir-inside (build-directory-name drv 0 "/tmp"))
-         (env-vars (build-environment-vars drv build-dir-inside))
-         (inputs-from-store (all-transitive-inputs drv))
-         ;; use "or" here instead of having a default value so that passing #f
-         ;; works.
-         (all-inputs `(,@(or build-chroot-dirs
-                             %default-chroot-dirs)
-                       ,@extra-chroot-dirs
-                       ,@(default-files drv)
-                       ,(cons build-dir
-                              build-dir-inside)
-                       ,@inputs-from-store
-                       ,@(derivation-sources drv))))
-    ;;
-    ;; TODO: Honor "environment variables" passed through the derivation.
-    ;; these include "impureEnvVars", "exportReferencesGraph",
-    ;; "allowSubstitutes", "allowedReferences", "disallowedReferences"
-    ;; "preferLocalBuild".
-    (chown build-dir build-user build-group)
-    (values
-     (make-build-environment drv build-dir-inside build-dir env-vars
-                             all-inputs
-                             (special-filesystems all-inputs)
-                             build-user
-                             build-group)
-     inputs-from-store)))
-(define (all-input-output-paths drv)
-  "Returns a list containing the output paths this derivation's inputs need to
-  (fold (lambda (input output-paths)
-          (append (derivation-input-output-paths input)
-                  output-paths))
-        '()
-        (derivation-inputs drv)))
-;; Which store items should be included? According to the nix daemon, these
-;; are:
-;; - the relevant outputs of the inputs
-;; - everything referenced (direct/indirect) by the relevant outputs of the
-;;   inputs
-;; - the sources
-;; - everything referenced (direct/indirect) by the sources
-;; Importantly, this doesn't mention recursive inputs. Only direct inputs.
-(define (all-transitive-inputs drv)
-  "Produces a list of all inputs and all of their references."
-  (let ((input-paths (all-input-output-paths drv)))
-    (vhash-fold (lambda (key val prev)
-                  (cons key prev))
-                '()
-                (fold (lambda (input list-so-far)
-                        (file-closure input #:list-so-far list-so-far))
-                      vlist-null
-                      `(
-                        ,@(derivation-sources drv)
-                        ,@input-paths)))))
-(define (special-filesystems input-paths)
-  "Returns whatever new filesystems need to be created in the container, which
-depends on whether they're already set to be bind-mounted. INPUT-PATHS must be
-a list of paths or pairs of paths."
-  ;; procfs is already taken care of by call-with-container
-  `(,@(if (file-exists? "/dev/shm")
-          (list (file-system
-                  (device "none")
-                  (mount-point "/dev/shm")
-                  (type "tmpfs")
-                  (check? #f)))
-          '())
-    ;; Indicates CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y in the kernel.
-    ,@(if (and (file-exists? "/dev/pts/ptmx")
-               ;; This check is fishy
-               (not (path-already-assigned? "/dev/ptmx"
-                                            input-paths))
-               (not (path-already-assigned? "/dev/pts"
-                                            input-paths)))
-          (list (file-system
-                  (device "none")
-                  (mount-point "/dev/pts")
-                  (type "devpts")
-                  (options "newinstance,mode=0620")
-                  (check? #f)))
-          '())
-    ))
-(define (disable-address-randomization)
-  (let ((current-persona (personality #xffffffff)))
-    (personality (logior current-persona
-                         ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE))))
-(define (enact-build-environment build-environment)
-  "Makes the <build-environment> BUILD-ENVIRONMENT current by setting the
-environment variables and bind-mounting the listed files. Importantly, this
-assumes that it is in a separate namespace at this point."
-  ;; warning: the order in which a lot of this happens is significant and
-  ;; partially based on guesswork / copying what the c++ does.
-  (setsid)
-  (add-core-files build-environment)
-  ;; local communication within the build environment should still be
-  ;; possible.
-  (initialize-loopback)
-  ;; This couldn't really be described by a <file-system> object, so we have
-  ;; to do this extra bit ourselves. 
-  (when (find (lambda (fs)
-                (string=? (file-system-type fs) "devpts"))
-              (build-filesystems build-environment))
-    (symlink "/dev/pts/ptmx" "/dev/ptmx")
-    (chmod "/dev/pts/ptmx" #o0666))
-  (environ (map (match-lambda
-                  ((key . val)
-                   (string-append key "=" val)))
-                (build-environment-variables build-environment)))
-  (sethostname "localhost")
-  (disable-address-randomization)
-  (setgid (build-environment-group build-environment))
-  (setuid (build-environment-user build-environment))
-  ;(close-most-files)
-  (chdir (build-directory-inside build-environment)))
-;; The C++ stuff does this, and in pursuit of a bug I will mindlessly mimic
-;; anything.
-(define (setup-i/o new-output)
-  "Redirect output and error streams to LOG-PIPE and get input from
-/dev/null, then close all other FDs."
-  ;; 
-  (redirect-port new-output (current-output-port))
-  (redirect-port (current-output-port) (current-error-port))
-  (call-with-input-file "/dev/null"
-    (lambda (null-port)
-      (dup2 (port->fdes null-port) 0)))
-  (let close-next ((fd 3))
-    ;; XXX: don't hardcode this.
-    (when (<= fd 20)
-      (false-if-exception (close-fdes fd))
-      (close-next (1+ fd)))))
-(define (inputs->mounts inputs)
-  (map (match-lambda
-         ((source . dest)
-          (file-system
-            (device source)
-            (mount-point dest)
-            (type "none")
-            (flags '(bind-mount))
-            (check? #f)))
-         (source
-          (file-system
-            (device source)
-            (mount-point source)
-            (type "none")
-            (flags '(bind-mount))
-            (check? #f))))
-       inputs))
-(define (dump-port port)
-  (unless (port-eof? port)
-    (display (get-line port))
-    (display "\n")
-    (dump-port port)))
-(define (open-builder-pipe environment)
-  (let* ((drv (build-environment-derivation environment))
-         (prog (derivation-builder drv))
-         (args (derivation-builder-arguments drv)))
-    (match (pipe)
-      ((read-from . write-to)
-       (match (primitive-fork)
-         (0
-          (close read-from)
-          (enact-build-environment environment)
-          (setup-i/o write-to)
-          (when (stat "/dev/tty")
-            (format #t "/dev/tty exists!~%"))
-          (apply execl prog (basename prog) args))
-         (child-pid
-          (close write-to)
-          (values read-from child-pid)))))))
-(define (run-builder environment)
-  "Runs the builder in the environment ENVIRONMENT."
-  (let ((drv (build-environment-derivation environment)))
-    (call-with-container
-        (append (inputs->mounts (build-input-paths environment))
-                (build-filesystems environment))
-      (lambda ()
-                                        ;(close-most-files)
-        (format #t "command line: ~a~%"
-                (cons (derivation-builder drv)
-                      (derivation-builder-arguments drv)))
-        (format #t "environment variables: ~a~%" (environ))
-        (let-values (((read-side pid) (open-builder-pipe environment)))
-          (dump-port read-side)
-          (close read-side)
-          (match (status:exit-val (cdr (waitpid pid)))
-            (0
-             0)
-            (exit-val
-             (throw 'build-failed-but-lets-debug exit-val drv)))))
-      #:namespaces `(mnt pid ipc uts ,@(if (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
-                                           '(net)
-                                           '()))
-      #:host-uids (1+ (build-environment-user environment))
-      #:use-output (lambda (root)
-                     (for-each (match-lambda
-                                 ((outid . ($ <derivation-output> output-path))
-                                  (copy-recursively (string-append root
-                                                                   output-path)
-                                                    output-path)))
-                               (derivation-outputs drv))))))
-;; I want to be able to test if a derivation's outputs exist without reading
-;; it in. The database makes this possible. But we can't figure out WHICH
-;; outputs it even has without reading it in. For most of the derivations, we
-;; don't need to know which outputs it has, as long as we know the outputs we
-;; want. Okay, okay, new plan: build-derivation takes a <derivation>, but
-;; ensure-input-outputs-exist takes <derivation-input>
-;; objects. build-derivation is only called when we know it needs to be built
-(define (inputs-closure drv)
-  "Given a <derivation> DRV, finds all store paths needed to build it."
-  (fold (lambda (input prev)
-          (fold (lambda (output outputs-list)
-                  (cons output outputs-list))
-                prev
-                (derivation-input-output-paths input)))
-        '()
-        (derivation-prerequisites drv)))
-(define (attempt-substitute drv)
-  #f)
-(define (maybe-use-builtin drv)
-  "Uses a builtin builder to build DRV if it exists. Returns #f if there is no
-builtin builder for DRV or it failed."
-  (let ((builder (hash-ref builtins
-                           (derivation-builder drv))))
-    (if builder
-        (begin
-          ;; strip-store-file-name from (guix build utils), used by
-          ;; perform-download indirectly, doesn't honor %store-directory. So
-          ;; we have to set it here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-          (environ (map (match-lambda
-                          ((key . val)
-                           (string-append key "=" val)))
-                        (build-environment-vars drv "/tmp")))
-          (builder drv))
-        #f)))
+(define %keep-build-dir? #t)
+;; XXX: make this configurable. Maybe I should read some more about those
+;; parameters I've heard about...
+(define %build-group (false-if-exception (group:gid (getgrnam "guixbuild"))))
+(define %build-user-pool (and %build-group
+                              (group:mem (getgrgid %build-group))))
+(define (get-build-user)
+  (let ((user (getuid)))
+    (or (and (zero? user)
+             %build-user-pool
+             ;; XXX: When implementing
+             ;; scheduling, make it so this
+             ;; searches for an unused
+             ;; one.
+             (passwd:uid
+              (getpwnam
+               (last %build-user-pool))))
+        user)))
+(define (get-build-group)
+  (or (and (zero? (getuid)) %build-group)
+      (getgid)))
 (define-record-type <trie-node>
   (make-trie-node table string-exists?)
@@ -714,16 +328,19 @@ nar, and the length of the nar."
     (force-output scanning-port)
-;; XXX: make this configurable. Maybe I should read some more about those
-;; parameters I've heard about...
-(define %build-group (false-if-exception (group:gid (getgrnam "guixbuild"))))
-(define %build-user-pool (and %build-group
-                              (group:mem (getgrgid %build-group))))
+(define (copy-outputs drv environment)
+  "Copy output paths produced in ENVIRONMENT from building DRV to the store if
+a fake store was used."
+  (let ((store-dir (assoc-ref (environment-temp-dirs environment)
+                              'store-directory)))
+    (when store-dir
+      (for-each
+       (match-lambda
+         ((outid . ($ <derivation-output> output-path))
+          (copy-recursively
+           (string-append store-dir "/" (basename output-path)) output-path)))
+       (derivation-outputs drv)))))
-;; every method of getting a derivation's outputs in the store needs to
-;; provide 3 pieces of metadata: the size of the nar, the references of each
-;; output, and the hash of each output. We happen to have ways of getting all
-;; of those as long as we know which references to be looking for.
 (define (topologically-sorted store-infos)
   "Returns STORE-INFOS in topological order or throws CYCLE-DETECTED if no
 such order exists."
@@ -776,44 +393,75 @@ such order exists."
         (values result visited))))))
-(define (do-derivation-build drv)
-  ;; inputs should all exist as of now
-  (let-values (((build-env store-inputs)
-                (prepare-build-environment drv
-                                           #:extra-chroot-dirs '()
-                                           #:build-user
-                                           (or (and
-                                                %build-user-pool
-                                                ;; XXX: When implementing
-                                                ;; scheduling, make it so this
-                                                ;; searches for an unused
-                                                ;; one.
-                                                (passwd:uid
-                                                 (getpwnam
-                                                  (car %build-user-pool))))
-                                               (getuid))
-                                           #:build-group (or %build-group
-                                                             (getgid)))))
-    (if (zero? (run-builder build-env))
-        (get-output-specs drv store-inputs)
-        #f)))
+(define (run-builder builder drv environment store-inputs)
+  "Run the builder BUILDER for DRV in ENVIRONMENT, wait for it to finish, and
+return the list of <store-info>s corresponding to its outputs."
+  (match (status:exit-val (call-with-values
+                              (lambda ()
+                                (run-standard environment builder))
+                            wait-for-build))
+    (0
+     ;; XXX: check that the output paths were produced.
+     (copy-outputs drv environment)
+     (delete-environment environment)
+     (get-output-specs drv store-inputs))
+    (exit-value
+     (format #t "Builder exited with status ~A~%" exit-value)
+     (if %keep-build-dir?
+         (format #t "Note: keeping build directories: ~A~%"
+                 (match (environment-temp-dirs environment)
+                   (((sym . dir) ...)
+                    dir)))
+         (delete-environment environment))
+     #f)))
+(define* (builder+environment+inputs drv #:optional (chroot? #t))
+  "Return a thunk that performs the build action, the environment it should be
+run in, and the store inputs of that environment."
+  (let*-values (((builtin) (hash-ref builtins (derivation-builder drv)))
+                ((environment store-inputs)
+                 ((if builtin
+                      builtin-builder-environment
+                      (if chroot?
+                          chroot-build-environment
+                          nonchroot-build-environment))
+                  drv #:gid (get-build-group) #:uid (get-build-user)))
+                ((builder) (or
+                            (and builtin (lambda ()
+                                           (builtin drv (derivation-outputs
+                                                         drv))))
+                            (lambda ()
+                              (let ((prog (derivation-builder drv))
+                                    (args (derivation-builder-arguments drv)))
+                                (apply execl prog prog args))))))
+    (values builder environment store-inputs)))
+;; Note: used for testing mostly, daemon should be starting builds directly
+;; and not just waiting for them to finish sequentially...
 (define (%build-derivation drv) 
-  "Given a <derivation> DRV, builds/substitutes the derivation unconditionally
-even if its outputs already exist."
+  "Given a <derivation> DRV, build the derivation unconditionally even if its
+outputs already exist."
+  ;; Make sure store permissions and ownership are intact (test-env creates a
+  ;; store with wrong permissions, for example).
+  (when (and (zero? (getuid)) %build-group)
+    (chown %store-directory 0 %build-group)
+    (chmod %store-directory #o1775))
   ;; Inputs need to exist regardless of how we're getting the outputs of this
   ;; derivation.
   (ensure-input-outputs-exist (derivation-inputs drv))
   (format #t "Starting build of derivation ~a~%~%" drv)
-  (let ((output-specs
-         (or (attempt-substitute drv)
-             (maybe-use-builtin drv)
-             (do-derivation-build drv))))
+  (let*-values (((builder environment store-inputs)
+                 (builder+environment+inputs drv (zero? (getuid))))
+                ((output-specs)
+                 (or (attempt-substitute drv)
+                     (run-builder builder drv environment store-inputs))))
     (if output-specs
         (register-items (topologically-sorted output-specs))
         (throw 'derivation-build-failed drv))))
 (define (ensure-input-outputs-exist inputs)
+  "Call %build-derivation as necessary, recursively, to make the necessary
+outputs of INPUTS exist."
    (lambda (input)
      (let ((input-drv-path (derivation-input-path input)))
diff --git a/guix/store/database.scm b/guix/store/database.scm
index 2098d5d..c264941 100644
--- a/guix/store/database.scm
+++ b/guix/store/database.scm
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
-            file-closure))
+            file-closure
+            all-transitive-inputs))
 ;;; Code for working with the store database directly.
@@ -465,3 +466,24 @@ paths referenced by those paths, and so on."
                          (references-of path))))))
         (sqlite-finalize get-references)
+(define (all-input-output-paths drv)
+  "Returns a list containing the output paths this derivation's inputs need to
+  (fold (lambda (input output-paths)
+          (append (derivation-input-output-paths input)
+                  output-paths))
+        '()
+        (derivation-inputs drv)))
+(define (all-transitive-inputs drv)
+  "Produces a list of all inputs and all of their references."
+  (let ((input-paths (all-input-output-paths drv)))
+    (vhash-fold (lambda (key val prev)
+                  (cons key prev))
+                '()
+                (fold (lambda (input list-so-far)
+                        (file-closure input #:list-so-far list-so-far))
+                      vlist-null
+                      `(,@(derivation-sources drv)
+                        ,@input-paths)))))
diff --git a/guix/store/environment.scm b/guix/store/environment.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..400cc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/store/environment.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2019 Caleb Ristvedt <address@hidden>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+;;; Code for setting up environments, especially build environments.  Builds
+;;; on top of (gnu build linux-container).
+(define-module (guix store environment)
+  #:use-module (guix records)
+  #:use-module (guix config)
+  #:use-module (gnu build linux-container)
+  #:use-module (gnu system file-systems)
+  #:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (delete-file-recursively
+                                             mkdir-p
+                                             copy-recursively))
+  #:use-module (guix derivations)
+  #:use-module (guix store)
+  #:use-module (guix build syscalls)
+  #:use-module (guix store database)
+  #:use-module (guix store files)
+  #:use-module (gcrypt hash)
+  #:use-module (guix base32)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+  #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-98)
+  #:export (<environment>
+            environment
+            environment-namespaces
+            environment-variables
+            environment-temp-dirs
+            environment-filesystems
+            environment-new-session?
+            environment-new-pgroup?
+            environment-setup-i/o-thunk
+            environment-preserved-fds
+            environment-chroot
+            environment-personality
+            environment-user
+            environment-group
+            environment-hostname
+            environment-domainname
+            build-environment-vars
+            delete-environment
+            run-in-environment
+            bind-mount
+            standard-i/o-setup
+            %standard-preserved-fds
+            nonchroot-build-environment
+            chroot-build-environment
+            builtin-builder-environment
+            run-standard
+            run-standard-build
+            wait-for-build))
+(define %standard-preserved-fds '(0 1 2))
+(define-record-type* <environment> environment
+  ;; The defaults are set to be as close to the "current environment" as
+  ;; possible.
+  make-environment
+  environment?
+  (namespaces environment-namespaces (default '())) ; list of symbols
+  ; list of (key . val) pairs
+  (variables environment-variables (default (get-environment-variables)))
+  ; list of (symbol . filename) pairs.
+  (temp-dirs environment-temp-dirs (default '()))
+  ;; list of <file-system> objects. Only used when MNT is in NAMESPACES.
+  (filesystems environment-filesystems (default '()))
+  ; boolean (implies NEW-PGROUP?)
+  (new-session? environment-new-session? (default #f))
+  (new-pgroup? environment-new-pgroup? (default #f)) ; boolean
+  (setup-i/o environment-setup-i/o-thunk) ; a thunk or #f
+  ; #f or list of integers (in case of #f, all are preserved)
+  (preserved-fds environment-preserved-fds (default #f))
+  ;; either the chroot directory or #f, must not be #f if MNT is in
+  ;; NAMESPACES! Will be recursively deleted when the environment is
+  ;; destroyed. Ignored if MNT is not in NAMESPACES.
+  (chroot environment-chroot (default #f))
+  (initial-directory environment-initial-directory (default #f)) ; string or #f
+  (personality environment-personality (default #f)) ; integer or #f
+  ;; These are currently naively handled in the case of user namespaces.
+  (user environment-user (default #f))             ; integer or #f
+  (group environment-group (default #f))           ; integer or #f
+  (hostname environment-hostname (default #f))         ; string or #f
+  (domainname environment-domainname (default #f)))    ; string or #f
+(define (delete-environment env)
+  "Delete all temporary directories used in ENV."
+  (for-each (match-lambda
+              ((id . filename)
+               (delete-file-recursively filename)))
+            (environment-temp-dirs env))
+  (when (environment-chroot env)
+    (delete-file-recursively (environment-chroot env))))
+(define (format-file file-name . args)
+  (call-with-output-file file-name
+    (lambda (port)
+      (apply simple-format port args))))
+(define* (mkdir-p* dir #:optional permissions)
+  (mkdir-p dir)
+  (when permissions
+    (chmod dir permissions)))
+(define (add-core-files environment fixed-output?)
+  "Populate container with miscellaneous files and directories that shouldn't
+be bind-mounted."
+  (let ((uid (environment-user environment))
+        (gid (environment-group environment)))
+    (mkdir-p* "/tmp" #o1777)
+    (mkdir-p* "/etc")
+    (unless (or (file-exists? "/etc/passwd")
+                (file-exists? "/etc/group"))
+      (format-file "/etc/passwd"
+                   (string-append "nixbld:x:~a:~a:Nix build user:/:/noshell~%"
+                                  "nobody:x:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/noshell~%")
+                   uid gid)
+      (format-file "/etc/group" "nixbld:!:~a:~%" gid))
+    (unless (or fixed-output? (file-exists? "/etc/hosts"))
+      (format-file "/etc/hosts" " localhost~%"))
+    (when (file-exists? "/dev/pts/ptmx")
+      (symlink "/dev/pts/ptmx" "/dev/ptmx")
+      (chmod "/dev/pts/ptmx" #o0666))))
+(define (run-in-environment env thunk . i/o-args)
+  "Run THUNK in ENV with I/O-ARGS passed to the SETUP-I/O procedure of
+ENV.  Return the pid of the process THUNK is run in."
+  (match env
+    (($ <environment> namespaces variables temp-dirs
+                      filesystems new-session? new-pgroup? setup-i/o
+                      preserved-fds chroot current-directory new-personality
+                      user group hostname domainname)
+     (when (and new-session? (not new-pgroup?))
+       (throw 'invalid-environment "NEW-SESSION? implies NEW-PGROUP?."))
+     (let ((fixed-output? (not (memq 'net namespaces))))
+       (run-container chroot filesystems namespaces (and user (1+ user))
+                      (lambda ()
+                        (when hostname (sethostname hostname))
+                        (when domainname (setdomainname domainname))
+                        ;; setsid / setpgrp as necessary
+                        (if new-session?
+                            (setsid)
+                            (when new-pgroup?
+                              (setpgid 0 0)))
+                        (when chroot
+                          (add-core-files env fixed-output?))
+                        ;; set environment variables
+                        (when variables
+                          (environ (map (match-lambda
+                                          ((key . val)
+                                           (string-append key "=" val)))
+                                        variables)))
+                        (when setup-i/o (apply setup-i/o i/o-args))
+                        ;; set UID and GID
+                        (when current-directory (chdir current-directory))
+                        (when group (setgid group))
+                        (when user (setuid user))
+                        ;; Close unpreserved fds
+                        (when preserved-fds
+                          (let close-next ((n 0))
+                            (when (< n 20) ;; XXX: don't hardcode.
+                              (unless (memq n preserved-fds)
+                                (false-if-exception (close-fdes n)))
+                              (close-next (1+ n)))))
+                        ;; enact personality
+                        (when new-personality (personality new-personality))
+                        (thunk)))))))
+(define (bind-mount src dest)
+  "Return a <file-system> denoting the bind-mounting of SRC to DEST. Note that
+if this is part of a chroot <environment>, DEST will be the name *inside of*
+the chroot, i.e.
+(bind-mount \"/foo/x\" \"/bar/x\")
+in an environment with chroot \"/chrootdir\" will bind-mount \"/foo/x\" to
+  (file-system
+    (device src)
+    (mount-point dest)
+    (type "none")
+    (flags '(bind-mount))
+    (check? #f)))
+(define input->mount
+  (match-lambda
+    ((source . dest)
+     (bind-mount source dest))
+    (source
+     (bind-mount source source))))
+(define (default-files drv)
+  "Return a list of the files to be bind-mounted that aren't store items or
+already added by call-with-container."
+  `(,@(if (file-exists? "/dev/kvm")
+          '("/dev/kvm")
+          '())
+    ,@(if (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
+          '("/etc/resolv.conf"
+            "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
+            "/etc/services"
+            "/etc/hosts")
+          '())))
+(define (build-environment-vars drv build-dir)
+  "Return an alist of environment variable / value pairs for every environment
+variable that should be set during the build execution."
+  (let ((leaked-vars (and
+                      (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
+                      (let ((leak-string
+                             (assoc-ref (derivation-builder-environment-vars 
+                                        "impureEnvVars")))
+                        (and leak-string
+                             (string-tokenize leak-string
+                                              (char-set-complement
+                                               (char-set #\space))))))))
+    (append `(("PATH"             .  "/path-not-set")
+              ("HOME"             .  "/homeless-shelter")
+              ("NIX_STORE"        .  ,%store-directory)
+              ;; XXX: make this configurable
+              ("NIX_BUILD_CORES"  .  "0")
+              ("NIX_BUILD_TOP"    .  ,build-dir)
+              ("TMPDIR"           .  ,build-dir)
+              ("TEMPDIR"          .  ,build-dir)
+              ("TMP"              .  ,build-dir)
+              ("TEMP"             .  ,build-dir)
+              ("PWD"              .  ,build-dir))
+            (if (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
+                '(("NIX_OUTPUT_CHECKED" . "1"))
+                '())
+            (if leaked-vars
+                ;; leaked vars might be #f
+                (filter cdr
+                        (map (lambda (leaked-var)
+                               (cons leaked-var (getenv leaked-var)))
+                             leaked-vars))
+                '())
+            (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))))
+(define* (temp-directory name #:optional permissions user group
+                         #:key (tmpdir %temp-directory))
+  "Create a temporary directory under TMPDIR with permissions PERMISSIONS if
+specified, otherwise default permissions as specified by umask, and belonging
+to user USER and group GROUP (defaulting to current user if not specified or
+#f).  Return the full filename of the form <tmpdir>/<name>-<number>."
+  (let try-again ((attempt-number 0))
+    (catch 'system-error
+      (lambda ()
+        (let ((attempt-name (string-append tmpdir "/" name "-"
+                                           (number->string
+                                            attempt-number 10))))
+          (mkdir attempt-name permissions)
+          (when permissions
+            (chmod attempt-name permissions))
+          ;; -1 means "unchanged"
+          (chown attempt-name (or user -1) (or group -1))
+          attempt-name))
+      (lambda args
+        (if (= (system-error-errno args) EEXIST)
+            (try-again (+ attempt-number 1))
+            (apply throw args))))))
+(define (path-already-assigned? path paths)
+  "Determines whether something is already going to be bind-mounted to PATH
+based on what is in PATHS, which should be a list of paths or path pairs."
+  (find (match-lambda
+          ((source . target)
+           (string= target path))
+          (target
+           (string= target path)))
+        paths))
+(define (special-filesystems input-paths)
+  "Return whatever new filesystems need to be created in the container, which
+depends on whether they're already set to be bind-mounted.  INPUT-PATHS must
+be a list of paths or pairs of paths."
+  ;; procfs is already taken care of by call-with-container
+  `(,@(if (file-exists? "/dev/shm")
+          (list (file-system
+                  (device "none")
+                  (mount-point "/dev/shm")
+                  (type "tmpfs")
+                  (check? #f)))
+          '())
+    ;; Indicates CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y in the kernel.
+    ,@(if (and (file-exists? "/dev/pts/ptmx")
+               ;; This check is fishy
+               (not (path-already-assigned? "/dev/ptmx"
+                                            input-paths))
+               (not (path-already-assigned? "/dev/pts"
+                                            input-paths)))
+          (list (file-system
+                  (device "none")
+                  (mount-point "/dev/pts")
+                  (type "devpts")
+                  (options "newinstance,mode=0620")
+                  (check? #f)))
+          '())))
+(define (standard-i/o-setup output-port)
+  "Redirect output and error streams to OUTPUT-FD, get input from /dev/null."
+  (define output-fd (port->fdes output-port))
+  (define stdout (fdopen 1 "w"))
+  ;; Useful in case an error happens between here and an exec and it needs to
+  ;; get reported.
+  (set-current-output-port stdout)
+  (set-current-error-port stdout)
+  (dup2 output-fd 1)
+  (dup2 output-fd 2)
+  (call-with-input-file "/dev/null"
+    (lambda (null-port)
+      (dup2 (port->fdes null-port) 0))))
+(define (derivation-tempname drv)
+  (string-append "guix-build-"
+                 (store-path-package-name (derivation-file-name drv))))
+;; We might want to add to this sometime.
+(define %default-chroot-dirs
+  '())
+(define (default-personality drv)
+  (let ((current-personality (personality #xffffffff)))
+    (logior current-personality ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE
+            (match (cons %system (derivation-system drv))
+              ((or ("x86_64-linux" . "i686-linux")
+                   ("aarch64-linux" . "armhf-linux"))
+               PER_LINUX32)
+              (_ 0))
+            (match (cons (derivation-system drv) %impersonate-linux-2.6?)
+              (((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux") . #t)
+               UNAME26)
+              (_ 0)))))
+(define* (nonchroot-build-environment drv #:key gid uid)
+  "Create and return an <environment> for building DRV outside of a chroot, as
+well as the store inputs the build requires."
+  (let* ((fixed-output? (fixed-output-derivation? drv))
+         (tempname (derivation-tempname drv))
+         (build-directory (temp-directory tempname #o0700)))
+    (values
+     (environment
+      (temp-dirs `((build-directory . ,build-directory)))
+      (initial-directory build-directory)
+      (new-session? #t)
+      (new-pgroup? #t)
+      (variables (build-environment-vars drv build-directory))
+      (preserved-fds %standard-preserved-fds)
+      (setup-i/o standard-i/o-setup)
+      (personality (default-personality drv))
+      (user uid)
+      (group gid))
+     (all-transitive-inputs drv))))
+(define* (builtin-builder-environment drv #:key gid uid)
+  "Create and return an <environment> for builtin builders, as well as the
+store inputs the build requires."
+  ;; It's just the same as non-chroot-build-environment, but without any
+  ;; environment variables being changed.
+  (let*-values (((env inputs) (nonchroot-build-environment drv
+                                                           #:gid gid
+                                                           #:uid uid)))
+    (values
+     (environment (inherit env)
+                  (variables (get-environment-variables)))
+     inputs)))
+(define* (chroot-build-environment drv #:key gid uid
+                                   (extra-chroot-dirs '())
+                                   build-chroot-dirs )
+  "Create an <environment> for building DRV with standard in-chroot
+settings (as used by nix daemon).  Return said environment as well as the
+store paths that are included in it (useful for reference scanning)."
+  (let* ((tempname (derivation-tempname drv))
+         (store-directory (temp-directory (string-append tempname ".store")
+                                          #o1775 0 gid))
+         (build-directory (temp-directory tempname #o0700 uid gid))
+         (inside-build-dir (string-append %temp-directory "/" tempname "-0"))
+         (fixed-output? (fixed-output-derivation? drv))
+         (store-inputs (all-transitive-inputs drv))
+         (input-paths (append store-inputs
+                              (default-files drv)
+                              (or build-chroot-dirs
+                                  %default-chroot-dirs)
+                              extra-chroot-dirs)))
+    (values
+     (environment
+      (namespaces `(mnt pid ipc uts ,@(if fixed-output? '() '(net))))
+      (filesystems
+       (cons* (bind-mount build-directory inside-build-dir)
+              (bind-mount store-directory %store-directory)
+              (append (special-filesystems input-paths)
+                      (map input->mount input-paths))))
+      (temp-dirs `((store-directory . ,store-directory)
+                   (build-directory . ,build-directory)))
+      (initial-directory inside-build-dir)
+      (new-session? #t)
+      (new-pgroup? #t)
+      (setup-i/o (lambda (output-fd)
+                   (unless fixed-output?
+                     (initialize-loopback))
+                   (standard-i/o-setup output-fd)))
+      (variables (build-environment-vars drv inside-build-dir))
+      (preserved-fds %standard-preserved-fds)
+      (chroot (temp-directory (string-append tempname ".chroot") #o750 0 gid))
+      (user uid)
+      (group gid)
+      (personality (default-personality drv))
+      (hostname "localhost")
+      (domainname "(none)"))
+     store-inputs)))
+(define (redirected-path drv output)
+  (let* ((original (assoc-ref (derivation-outputs drv) output))
+         (hash
+          (bytevector->nix-base32-string
+           (compressed-hash (sha256 (string-append "rewrite:"
+                                                   (derivation-file-name drv)
+                                                   ":"
+                                                   original))
+                            20))))
+    (string-append (%store-prefix) "/" hash "-"
+                   (store-path-package-name original))))
+(define (redirect-outputs env drv output-names)
+  "Create a new <environment> based on ENV but modified so that for each
+output-name in OUTPUT-NAMES, the environment variable corresponding to that
+output is set to a newly-generated output path."
+  (environment (inherit env)
+   (variables (append (map (lambda (output)
+                             (cons output (redirected-path drv output)))
+                           output-names)
+                      (remove (lambda (var)
+                                (member (car var) output-names))
+                              (environment-variables env))))))
+(define (run-standard environment thunk)
+  "Run THUNK in ENVIRONMENT.  Return the PID it is being run in and the read
+end of the pipe its i/o has been set up with."
+  (match (pipe)
+    ((read . write)
+     (let ((pid (run-in-environment environment
+                                    (lambda ()
+                                      (catch #t
+                                        (lambda ()
+                                          (thunk)
+                                          (primitive-exit 0))
+                                        (lambda args
+                                          (format #t "Error: ~A~%" args)
+                                          (primitive-exit 1))))
+                                    write)))
+       (close-fdes (port->fdes write))
+       (values pid read)))))
+(define (run-standard-build drv environment)
+  "Run the builder of DRV in ENVIRONMENT.  Return the PID it is being run in
+and the read end of the pipe its i/o has been set up with."
+  (run-standard environment
+                (lambda ()
+                  (let ((prog (derivation-builder drv))
+                        (args (derivation-builder-arguments drv)))
+                    (apply execl prog prog args)))))
+(define (dump-port port)
+  (unless (port-eof? port)
+    (put-bytevector (current-output-port)
+                    (get-bytevector-some port))
+    (force-output (current-output-port))
+    (dump-port port)))
+(define (wait-for-build pid read-port)
+  "Dump all input from READ-PORT to (current-output-port), then wait for PID
+to terminate."
+  (dump-port read-port)
+  (close-fdes (port->fdes read-port))
+  ;; Should we wait specifically for PID to die, or just for any state change?
+  (cdr (waitpid pid)))

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