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Re: GSoC: Adding a web interface similar to the Hydra web interface

From: Clément Lassieur
Subject: Re: GSoC: Adding a web interface similar to the Hydra web interface
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 12:19:08 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 26.1

Hi Tatiana,

Tatiana Sholokhova <address@hidden> writes:

> Am I right that in terms of Cuirass database derivations correspond to
> jobs?

Yes, but to be more precise, a job is a structure containing:
  - derivation
  - job-name
  - system
  - nix-name
  - eval-id

The database table called "Derivations" should be called "Jobs", so the
name is confusing indeed.

A derivation, as Ricardo explained, is a file (.drv) representing
low-level build actions and the environment in which they are performed.

At each evaluation, there is a new set of jobs returned by the
evaluator, each job having its 'eval-id' incremented.  That means that
two different jobs for the same job-name (i.e. linux-libre-4.17.6-job)
could embed the same derivation.  In that case, it's useless to build
that job in my opinion, see that bug[1].

I hope it's clearer,


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