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Re: Create branch for Haskell build changes and updates?

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: Create branch for Haskell build changes and updates?
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 00:24:03 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Xinglu Chen <> writes:

Thank you for bringing this up! I posted a WIP patch for adding GHC
8.10 a while ago, but nobody showed any interest[1].

I don’t have any experience with updating the Haskell toolchain in Guix, but I think it would be great to have a separate branch for updating the
haskell-build-system and Haskell packages.  :)


It would be good to send this to instead of guix-devel. Please also see the Contributing section in the manual.


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