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Notes from the live patch review discussion today at the Guix Days

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: Notes from the live patch review discussion today at the Guix Days
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 11:39:23 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.11; emacs 28.2

These are some notes from the discuussion about patch review this
morning at the Guix Days.

Where to start:
   - debbugs.el
 - email
   - personal inbox
   - lei (public inbox) ( )
 - IRC (someone asking for review)

Applying the patches locally:

 - Pipe it from local email to git am
 - lei emacs package, apply via public inbox and email id
 - cherry pick commits from the branches that creates
   - (named issue-XXXXX)

What do people reviewing patches look at?

 - What kind of patch, what is being changed?
 - Testing the changes
   - Look at the results of the builds and linter

Once you've applied the patches:

  - Email the bug/submitter
    - Saving drafts as you review multiple patches can be helpful
    - Do you remove as a CC? Some do, some don't.

   - Close via debbugs.el

   - Showing the submitter what you've changed as a comitter
     - Use the range diff in Git
     - Copying the Git changes before fixing up/squashing

   - Adding some Fixes: bit to the commit message, maybe we should do
     this more?


 - Being able to see when the automated testing for an issue (all
   issues) might finish

 - ...

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