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shepherd's architecture

From: Attila Lendvai
Subject: shepherd's architecture
Date: Sun, 28 May 2023 22:23:00 +0000

[resending to include the guix-devel list. apologies for everyone who receives 
this mail twice!]


[forked from: bug#53580: /var/run/shepherd/socket is missing on an otherwise 
functional system]

> So I think we’re mostly okay now. The one thing we could do is load
> the whole config file in a separate fiber, and maybe it’s fine to keep
> going even when there’s an error during config file evaluation?

i think there's a fundamental issue to be resolved here, and addressing that 
would implicitly resolve the entire class of issues that this one belongs to.

guile (shepherd) is run as the init process, and because of that it may not 
exit or be respawn. but at the same time when we reconfigure a guix system, 
then shepherd's config should not only be reloaded, but its internal state 
merged with the new config, and potentially even with an evolved shepherd 

i still lack a proper mental model of all this to succesfully predict what will 
happen when i `guix system reconfigure` after i `guix pull`-ed my service code, 
and/or changed the config of my services.


this problem of migration is pretty much a CS research topic...

ideally, there should be a non-shepherd-specific protocol defined for such 
migrations, and the new shpeherd codebase could migrate its state from the old 
to the new, with most of the migration code being automatic. some of it must be 
hand written as rquired by some semantic changes.

even more ideally, we should reflexive systems; admit that source code is a 
graph, and store it as one (as opposed to a string of characters); and our 
systems should have orthogonal persistency, etc, etc... a far cry from what we 
have now.

Fare's excellent blog has some visionary thoughts on this, especially in:

but given that we will not have these any time soon... what can we do now?


note: what follows are wild ideas, and i'm not sure i have the necessary 
understanding of the involved subsystems to properly judge their feasibility... 
so take them with a pinch of salt.

idea 1

it doesn't seem to be an insurmontable task to make sure that guile can safely 
unlink a module from its heap, check if there are any references into the 
module to be dropped, and then reload this module from disk.

the already runing fibers would keep the required code in the heap until after 
they are stopped/restarted. then the module would get GC'd eventually.

this would help solve the problem that a reconfigured service may have a 
completely different start/stop code. and by taking some careful shortcuts we 
may be able to make reloading work without having to stop the service process 
in question.

idea 2

another, probably better idea:

split up shepherd's codebase into isolated parts:

1) the init process

2) the service runners, which are spawned by 1). let's call this part
'the runner'.

3) the CLI scripts that implement stuff like `reboot` by sending a
message to 1).

the runner would spawn and manage the actual daemon binaries/processes.

the init process would communicate with the runners through a channel/pipe that 
is created when the runner are spawn. i.e. here we wouldn't need an IPC socket 
file like we need for the communication between the scripts and the init 

AFAIU the internal structure of shepherd is already turning into something like 
this with the use of fibers and channels. i suspect Ludo has something like 
this on his mind already.

in this setup most of the complexity and the evolution of the shepherd codebase 
would happen in the runner, and the other two parts could be kept minimal and 
would rarely need to change (and thus require a reboot).

the need for a reboot could be detected by noticing that the compiled binary of 
the init process has changed compared to what is currently running as PID 1.

the driver process of a service could be reloaded/respawned the next time when 
the daemon is stopped or it quits unexpectedly.


recently i've succesfully wrote a shepherd service that spawns a daemon, and 
from a fiber it does two way communication with the daemon using a pipe 
connected to the daemon's stdio. i guess that counts as a proof of concept for 
the second idea, but i'm not sure about its stability. a stuck/failing service 
is a different issue than a stuck/failing init process.

for reference, the spawning of the daemon:

the fiber's code that talks to it:

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
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