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Re: Updates for Go

From: Wilko Meyer
Subject: Re: Updates for Go
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 23:54:12 +0200


Katherine Cox-Buday <> writes:

> Even if you dislike Go, but can work your way through a package,
> please consider signing up!

I started picking up Golang for work related use recently again; have
been somewhat regularly writing it between 2015 and 2018-ish, but always
favored using something like C or Rust over Golang.

That being said, I'd actually be willing to put some time and effort
into Guixes Go ecosystem; even though I haven't been on Guix for that
long and would probably have to read through prior contributions to
golang.scm to get the gist on how the go-build-system and packaging all
things go work and to contribute something useful.

Is there a list of current TODOs somewhere? Or would one start by
bumping packages to build with a more recent/non-EoL go version and see
if that works out?

Best Regards,

Wilko Meyer

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