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Re: [workflow] Automatically close bug report when a patch is committed

From: Simon Tournier
Subject: Re: [workflow] Automatically close bug report when a patch is committed
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 16:11:23 +0200

Hi Maxim,

Thanks for the explanations.

On Mon, 11 Sept 2023 at 15:47, Maxim Cournoyer
<> wrote:

> >  2. How is Change-Id linked to #65280?
> Each patch submission ("issue") can have one or multiple commits.  We'd
> know for sure the series was merged (and thus can be closed) when the
> set of 'Change-Id's its commits contains have all appeared in the master
> branch.  The mapping of Debbugs ID <-> set(change-ids) would need to be
> established by an external tool such as Mumi (which I think is in a good
> position to do so).

I think it is not straightforward to maintain such mapping.  Because
Mumi needs to implement a way to extract patches; and there is many

For instance, I am already using a pre-commit hook, how would it work
in this case?


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