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Re: Mumi CLI client (was: How can we decrease the cognitive overhead for

From: Giovanni Biscuolo
Subject: Re: Mumi CLI client (was: How can we decrease the cognitive overhead for contributors?)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 16:55:26 +0200

Hello Ricardo,

Ricardo Wurmus <> writes:

> Giovanni Biscuolo <> writes:
>> […] actually Debbugs or Mumi web interfaces are read-only: you cannot
>> open a bug report or comment it, you have to send an email; this is a
>> _feature_, not a bug since we don't need a _complex_ web based
>> authentication+authorization system for bug reporters/commenters. […]
> Mumi actually does support commenting on the web:
> It’s just been disabled because messages ended up being stuck in the
> queue and nobody could make enough time to debug this.

Uh, I didn't know mumi have that feature

AFAIU mumi does not (still?) have ad authentication/authorization,

If so how do you plan to deal with users posting SPAM or similar
unappropriate content?

Thanks! Gio'

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

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