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Re: GNU and GSoC

From: Kierin Bell
Subject: Re: GNU and GSoC
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 18:15:39 -0500

Hey Guix,

Pjotr Prins <> writes:

> The GNU project is a GSoC org again. Last year Sarthak did a great job
> working on parameterization of Guix. It works, and you can try the
> code. See
> =>
> =>
> For this year GNU can propose projects again. We should suggest Guix,
> Mes and Hurd projects in the coming two weeks. Ping Gábor, Sarthak,
> Arun, Efraim or me if you are interested in co-mentoring an effort.

Please forgive my ignorance, but are non-mentors/prospective mentees
allowed to suggest GSoC project ideas here?

I have been wanting to work on implementing a general purpose
pretty-printing/formatting module for Guix that services (and Guix
system, style, Home, etc.) could use to serialize their given
configuration languages.  It would be better than manually formatting
raw strings as is done now by most services.  Ludo' first broached the
topic in a patch review[1].

The project feels to me like it would be much more attainable with
advice from a seasoned Schemer/Guixer.  So a mentor-mentee program could
be a good fit.

Again, I'm unsure exactly how this fits into the larger goals of the
project.  I suspect that services-related stuff like this may be lower
on the hierarchy of priorities.

[ Regardless, even if it turns out not to be a good fit for GSoC, I'd be
delighted to work on this with a bit of help and advice as time
allows. ]



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