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Re: Value in adding Shepherd requirements to file-systems entries?

From: Felix Lechner
Subject: Re: Value in adding Shepherd requirements to file-systems entries?
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:31:19 -0700

Hi Richard,

On Tue, Apr 23 2024, Richard Sent wrote:

> I submitted a patch [..] at If this
> winds up merged I believe your code could be rewritten [as]
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> (file-system
>    (device "wallace-server.local:/acct")
>    (mount-point "/acct")
>    (type "nfs")
>    (requirement '(avahi-daemon)) ;resolve .local
>    ;; (flags '(no-atime no-dev no-exec read-only))
>    ;; (options "proto=tcp6,timeo=300,nolock")
>    (check? #f)
>    (mount-may-fail? #t)
>    (create-mount-point? #t))
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Wow, that works!

Since this short form is optional and I can always switch back to the
previous version, v2 of that patch should be merged without further

Thank you for your most valuable contribution!

Kind regards,

P.S. The code above should read (requirements ...) in the plural.

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