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Re: Proposal: nss updates

From: Felix Lechner
Subject: Re: Proposal: nss updates
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:21:27 -0700

Hi Ian,

On Thu, Jun 27 2024, Ian Eure wrote:

> The nss package updates frequently, around once a month. [...]  I'm
> considering options to balance update frequency vs. huge rebuilds.

Your plan sounds reasonable but my opinion is inconsequential.  Instead,
I'd like to point out that you are not alone:

Wouldn't you like it if two days a month were set aside to allow uploads
that trigger large rebuilds?  The approach would pool intensive uploads
in the time domain rather than how we do it now in space, namely

The advantages would be (1) as you pointed ou, faster availability of
package updates; (2) gradual acceptance of large, potentially breaking
changes; (3) fewer rebases (4) broader testing of new features; (5) less
bureaucracy because all development happens on the main branch.

Moreover, there is also a better way to provide a "stable" Guix:

High substitute coverage for users---a goal that conflicts in our
current "space" paradigm with your effort to provide needed
updates---could instead be offered by modifying the 'guix pull' command
to accept a manifest of of the software the user needs, or perhaps a
percentage threshold of available substitutes.

Soon we would be able drop point releases, too, in addition to our large
community branches.

Kind regards

P.S. Ceterum censeo core-updates delendam esse!

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