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Re: [Deprecation RFC] node@10 (a.k.a. node-bootstrap)

From: Liliana Marie Prikler
Subject: Re: [Deprecation RFC] node@10 (a.k.a. node-bootstrap)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2024 12:16:21 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.48.4

Am Mittwoch, dem 04.12.2024 um 09:03 +0100 schrieb Jelle Licht:
> Hi guix,
> I've just sent out the v2 series to bump Node.js and friends:
> In this proposed series of patches, the version of Node.js
> (node@10.24.1) we use to bootstrap node-llhttp-bootstrap becomes a
> hidden package. As per my reading of the policy w.r.t. 'removing'
> public packages, consider this message the start of the 1 month
> notice period to speak up and mitigate potential breakage [0].
> AFAICS I took care of fixing everything within guix proper, but
> things can break in branches other than master, and in external
>  channels. Please reply with any concerns, and cc
> for good measure.
> Some soft landing options:
> 1. Define a deprecated-package that aliases the 'node' variable to
> 'node-lts'. I'd prefer not doing this, as in the medium term it would
> be nice to have a proper 'node' package that actually tracks the
> latest releases.
> 2. Add an entry in news.scm.
I think defining a non-deprecated alias with node → node-lts is in the
spirit of Guix and what we do for other things like GCC, LLVM, etc. 
That being said, do we have a node that is fresher than node-lts?  If
not, we might in future just rename node-lts to node :)


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