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Re: No ibus modules for GTK4 with Sway

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: No ibus modules for GTK4 with Sway
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 14:11:31 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.7; emacs 29.4

Hi Tomas,

I had the other variables set, but not GUIX_GTK4_PATH.  I tried

   export GUIX_GTK4_PATH=/run/current-system/profile/lib/gtk-4.0/

This is an improvement, because now dino (my GTK4 test application)
accepts characters selected with ibus-libpinyin.  It's not really
usable, though, because the selection window is invisible (same on all
other applications in Sway) and selected characters are inserted twice.

> I see for GTK 2 and 3 we have GUIX_GTK2_IM_MODULE_FILE and
> GUIX_GTK3_IM_MODULE_FILE, there is none for GTK 4 though.  So maybe I am
> wrong and the auto-discovery should just work for 4.

The mechanism has changed.  For wayland there are different versions of
a protocol for input methods.  Currently, ibus only implements version
1, so this could be why it's not working properly in Sway.

I see that there's ongoing work on supporting version 2 of the wayland
protocol for input methods:

I'll try building that.


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