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python-team: New branch

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: python-team: New branch
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 10:00:55 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.7; emacs 29.4

Hi Guix,

I'm CC'ing the python-team.

Since the merge of the python-team branch we've seen a bunch of
new build failures to popular packages.  I've started work to repair
some of the damage.

I think we should start a new python-team branch where we build out
important upgrades and fixes.  I'd like to aim for merging that new
branch before the end of the year, so let's try to restrict ourselves to
important fixes only.

If there is more time we should also consider upgrading these packages:


(I patched out version checks in python-tox to avoid upgrading, but I
think we should not do that habitually.)

Unless anyone objects I'll destroy and recreate the python-team branch
with my commits tonight.


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