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Re: Preparing for the Guix Days

From: Tanguy LE CARROUR
Subject: Re: Preparing for the Guix Days
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2024 09:11:17 +0100
User-agent: alot/0.10

Latest news…

Quoting Tanguy LE CARROUR (2024-12-05 13:46:24)
> Quoting Ludovic Courtès (2024-12-05 12:36:15)
> > Tanguy LE CARROUR <> skribis:
> > 
> > > Quoting Ludovic Courtès (2024-11-29 11:18:47)
> > >> Please let us know in the coming days/weeks how it’s going.  February is
> > >> approaching quickly.
> > >
> > > *Rendez-vous* with the bank next Wednesday! 🤞
> > 
> > Not the most pleasant way to spend one’s Wednesday…  How did it go?
> Actually… pretty… badly! 😞
> I’m still waiting for the "pro" advisor to call me back, this is why I haven’t
> send any update yet, but from what I understood yesterday… it’s dead-dead!
> The #1 reason is that the treasurer can **NOT** open a bank account!?
> Only the "president" can!!? (even though "president" is not a legal term
> defined in the law; lucky we have one!)

Reason #1 is still current, but I should soon know if I can do it anyway or if
Simon has to do it. I would be easier for me, because I’m already a LBP client,
so I apparently don’t have to go through the biometric bullsh*t.

> This could have just been a delay and an extra burden for Simon if it wasn’t 
> for
> reason #2 which is… that to open a "asso" bank account you have to prove that
> the "asso" already has… a bank account in another bank!?!!!? 🤪

Reason #2 seems to be a misunderstanding: I didn’t fill an optional field that
seems to be… mandatory!?

I was able to fill up the entire form… without having to provide a single
document from the long list that was given to me back in… may; and for which
I harassed Simon for weeks! … sorry for that! 😅

I’ll keep you posted…


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