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[bug#38720] [PATCH] system: linux-container: Recommend guix container

From: Efraim Flashner
Subject: [bug#38720] [PATCH] system: linux-container: Recommend guix container
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 16:07:58 +0200

I've been using guix containers on foreign systems to bring some Guixy
goodness to the unwashed sysadmins out there. When the container starts
up it displays a message like "Run 'sudo nsenter -a -t 65698' to get a
shell into it." Sometimes when I try to do that I'll get an error
message back about the system's nsenter not knowing about the '-a' flag.
I have found that using a 'guix container' command works well for me.

Efraim Flashner   <address@hidden>   אפרים פלשנר
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Attachment: 0001-system-linux-container-Recommend-guix-container.patch
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