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[bug#38965] [PATCH 00/12] gnu: coq: Update to 8.10.2.

From: Brett Gilio
Subject: [bug#38965] [PATCH 00/12] gnu: coq: Update to 8.10.2.
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2020 20:04:49 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (gnu/linux)

Julien Lepiller <address@hidden> writes:

> Le 6 janvier 2020 03:24:29 GMT-05:00, Brett Gilio <address@hidden> a écrit :
> Looks like lablgtk2 -> ocaml-cairo2 -> lablgtk3 so we can't get rid of 
> lablgtk2. Are we sure we need it though?
> In general, make sure to run guix lint on these patches, I could spot missing 
> double spaces in descriptions of the first two for instance.

The OPAM page for cairo2 does not mention needing lablgtk2. So, if that
is the case I imagine we could be fine deprecating it in favor of

I forgot to lint those who packages, yes. I can change those before
pushing them. How does everything else look?

Brett M. Gilio
GNU Guix, Contributor | GNU Project, Webmaster
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