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[bug#47081] [PATCH 3/5] tests: databases: Remove mongodb test.

From: Léo Le Bouter
Subject: [bug#47081] [PATCH 3/5] tests: databases: Remove mongodb test.
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 01:57:13 +0100

* gnu/tests/databases.scm (%test-mongodb, %mongodb-os, run-mongodb-test):
 gnu/tests/databases.scm | 83 -----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gnu/tests/databases.scm b/gnu/tests/databases.scm
index e831d69f5a..4bfe4ee282 100644
--- a/gnu/tests/databases.scm
+++ b/gnu/tests/databases.scm
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
   #:use-module (guix gexp)
   #:use-module (guix store)
   #:export (%test-memcached
-            %test-mongodb
@@ -127,88 +126,6 @@
    (description "Connect to a running MEMCACHED server.")
    (value (run-memcached-test))))
-(define %mongodb-os
-  (operating-system
-    (inherit
-     (simple-operating-system
-      (service dhcp-client-service-type)
-      (service mongodb-service-type)))
-    (packages (cons* mongodb
-                     %base-packages))))
-(define* (run-mongodb-test #:optional (port 27017))
-  "Run tests in %MONGODB-OS, forwarding PORT."
-  (define os
-    (marionette-operating-system
-     %mongodb-os
-     #:imported-modules '((gnu services herd)
-                          (guix combinators))))
-  (define vm
-    (virtual-machine
-     (operating-system os)
-     (memory-size 1024)
-     (disk-image-size (* 1024 (expt 2 20)))
-     (port-forwardings `((27017 . ,port)))))
-  (define test
-    (with-imported-modules '((gnu build marionette))
-      #~(begin
-          (use-modules (srfi srfi-11) (srfi srfi-64)
-                       (gnu build marionette)
-                       (ice-9 popen)
-                       (ice-9 rdelim))
-          (define marionette
-            (make-marionette (list #$vm)))
-          (mkdir #$output)
-          (chdir #$output)
-          (test-begin "mongodb")
-          (test-assert "service running"
-            (marionette-eval
-             '(begin
-                (use-modules (gnu services herd))
-                (match (start-service 'mongodb)
-                  (#f #f)
-                  (('service response-parts ...)
-                   (match (assq-ref response-parts 'running)
-                     ((pid) (number? pid))))))
-             marionette))
-          (test-eq "test insert"
-            0
-            (system* (string-append #$mongodb "/bin/mongo")
-                     "test"
-                     "--eval"
-                     "db.testCollection.insert({data: 'test-data'})"))
-          (test-equal "test find"
-            "test-data"
-            (let* ((port (open-pipe*
-                          OPEN_READ
-                          (string-append #$mongodb "/bin/mongo")
-                          "test"
-                          "--quiet"
-                          "--eval"
-                          "db.testCollection.findOne().data"))
-                   (output (read-line port))
-                   (status (close-pipe port)))
-              output))
-          (test-end)
-          (exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0)))))
-  (gexp->derivation "mongodb-test" test))
-(define %test-mongodb
-  (system-test
-   (name "mongodb")
-   (description "Connect to a running MONGODB server.")
-   (value (run-mongodb-test))))
 ;;; The PostgreSQL service.

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