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[bug#47728] newbe question

From: Guillaume Le Vaillant
Subject: [bug#47728] newbe question
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 22:38:03 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Adam Kandur <> skribis:

> also, you wrote "fiveam" ,sbcl-fiveam
> why not "sbcl-fiveam" ,sbcl-fiveam

It's because of the cl-xxx and ecl-xxx packages that are created by
transforming the definition of the sbcl-xxx package to use cl-* or ecl-*
packages as inputs instead of sbcl-*.

If the sbcl-xxx package has '("sbcl-fiveam" ,sbcl-fiveam)' as input,
after transformation the ecl-xxx package will have
'("sbcl-fiveam" ,ecl-fiveam)' as inputs, which looks strange (but it
will work anyway as the string is just used to reference an input in
custom phases using something like '(assoc-ref inputs "sbcl-xxx")').

By using just "fiveam" as string, the sbcl-xxx package has
'("fiveam" ,sbcl-fiveam)' as input, and the ecl-xxx package will have
'("fiveam" ,ecl-fiveam)'.

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