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[bug#46848] [PATCHES] [core-updates] PEP 517 python-build-system

From: Marius Bakke
Subject: [bug#46848] [PATCHES] [core-updates] PEP 517 python-build-system
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 21:43:50 +0100

Lars-Dominik Braun <> skriver:

> Hi Marius,
>> Can you elaborate on the name clash issue?
> the problem seems to be that most packages do not put the source code
> into a subdirectory in the sdist. I.e. package foobar will have a foobar/
> directory, instead of src/foobar. Thus Python tries to load the module
> foobar.barbaz from that directory, instead of the store. Thus it’ll
> also look there for C extensions and fail. I don’t know why it does
> that, even when *not* using `python -m` – according to the documentation
> it should not. If anyone has any pointers I’d like to have a look again.

Perhaps it could be worked around by building in a separate directory,
i.e. ./build/lib, like setuptools does?  And ensure that the original
source directory does not end up on {,GUIX_}PYTHONPATH.

(I don't really understand the problem, just throwing ideas around.)

>> Unfortunately we need Python 2 for some time still.  It is used to
>> bootstrap old versions of GHC, Node, and probably other things.
> But as far as I see these specific examples do not use
> python-build-system. Only if some package using `#:python python-2` is
> required during bootstrapping, then we’d need a way to support Python
> 2, right?

Right.  If we don't need any Python 2 modules it should be fine to
remove support from the build system.

>> Do you think it is feasible to provide this as a new build system, say
>> pep517-build-system, during a transitional period?  Then we can a) start
>> using it right away for the increasing amount of packages that lack a
>>; and b) flesh out most bugs before eventually merging it back
>> (possibly piecemeal) into python-build-system.
> Actually, I think that’s a good idea. I tried, but I cannot fix all
> packages broken by this change on my own, so smoothing the transition
> could help and – as you said – we could catch bugs early on.
> I could prepare a patch, if there is interest in this path.

It would lower the bar significantly for testing and contributing, so I
would appreciate it.  :-)

>> * I also think trying "python test" is unnecessary.
> It still works quite often, although its usefulness will decrease in
> the future I guess. Another problem I see is that this command will not
> fail if there are no tests.
>> * It would be nice to support the "no tests" case without having to add
>>   explicit #:tests? everywhere.  Perhaps along the lines of...
> My idea was to force packagers to make and explain this decision
> explicitly. If you don’t run tests, you have to add `#:tests? #f`
> and leave a comment why they are disabled. I do see this could become
> a hassle with packages that simply don’t have any tests. But my hope
> is that it increases package quality.

My main concern is end-user experience when they just want to get some
random library working on their local channel.  But it's arguably
something that can be solved on the importer level and not a strong

Thinking about importers, perhaps they could start emitting git origins
when possible, as there is a trend to strip tests before uploading to

>>         (_ (apply invoke `("python" "-m" "unittest" ,@test-flags))))))
> If I remember correctly I tried this and it did not work for some
> reason. I’ll have a look again.

Eh, it should be (apply invoke "python" "-m" "unittest" test-flags), but
you probably got that.  :-P


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