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[bug#58585] [PATCH 2/2] gnu: home: Add home-mako-service-type.

From: (
Subject: [bug#58585] [PATCH 2/2] gnu: home: Add home-mako-service-type.
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 17:47:03 +0100

* gnu/home/services/desktop.scm (home-mako-section,
  home-mako-configuration): New record types.
(%home-mako-default-section, %home-mako-default-grouped-section,
home-mako-service-type): New variables.

Unfortunately, there is no way to actually use this service to
run the daemon itself, as Mako tries to connect to Wayland, which
is impossible as WAYLAND_DISPLAY is almost never set in session
Shepherd's environment. So, this service simply writes the
configuration file to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mako/config, and leave the
actual execution of ``mako'' to the user.
 gnu/home/services/desktop.scm | 338 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 336 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm b/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm
index a2ab2b4d07..a929a7533a 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm
@@ -22,17 +22,26 @@ (define-module (gnu home services desktop)
   #:use-module (gnu home services shepherd)
   #:use-module (gnu services configuration)
   #:autoload   (gnu packages glib)    (dbus)
+  #:autoload   (gnu packages wm)      (mako)
   #:autoload   (gnu packages xdisorg) (redshift)
-  #:use-module (guix records)
   #:use-module (guix gexp)
+  #:use-module (guix records)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:export (home-redshift-configuration
-            home-dbus-service-type))
+            home-dbus-service-type
+            home-mako-section
+            %home-mako-default-section
+            %home-mako-default-grouped-section
+            home-mako-configuration
+            home-mako-service-type))
@@ -224,3 +233,328 @@ (define home-dbus-service-type
    (default-value (home-dbus-configuration))
     "Run the session-specific D-Bus inter-process message bus.")))
+;;; Mako.
+(define-record-type* <home-mako-section>
+  home-mako-section make-home-mako-section
+  home-mako-section?
+  (if-app-name home-mako-if-app-name            ;string | #f
+               (default #f))
+  (if-app-icon home-mako-if-app-icon             ;string | #f
+               (default #f))
+  (if-summary home-mako-if-summary               ;string | #f
+              (default #f))
+  (if-summary-regex? home-mako-if-summary-regex? ;boolean
+                     (default #f))
+  (if-body home-mako-if-body                     ;string | #f
+           (default #f))
+  (if-body-regex? home-mako-if-body-regex?       ;boolean
+                  (default #f))
+  (if-urgency home-mako-if-urgency               ;'low | 'normal | 'critical | 
+              (default #f))
+  (if-category home-mako-if-category             ;string | #f
+               (default #f))
+  (if-desktop-entry home-mako-if-desktop-entry   ;string | #f
+                    (default #f))
+  (if-actionable? home-mako-if-actionable?       ;boolean | '()
+                  (default '()))
+  (if-expiring? home-mako-if-expiring?           ;boolean | '()
+                (default '()))
+  (if-mode home-mako-if-mode                     ;string | #f
+           (default #f))
+  (if-grouped? home-mako-if-grouped?             ;boolean | '()
+               (default '()))
+  (if-group-index home-mako-if-group-index       ;integer | #f
+                  (default #f))
+  (if-hidden? home-mako-if-hidden?               ;boolean | '()
+              (default '()))
+  (if-output home-mako-if-output                 ;string | #f
+             (default #f))
+  (if-anchor home-mako-if-anchor                 ;'top-right | 'top-center | 
'top-left | 'bottom-right | 'bottom-center | 'bottom-left | 'center-right | 
'center-left | 'center | #f
+             (default #f))
+  (on-button-left home-mako-on-button-left       ;#f | 'default | 'dismiss | 
'dismiss-all | 'dismiss-group | list of (file-like | string)
+                  (default 'default))
+  (on-button-middle home-mako-on-button-middle   ;#f | 'default | 'dismiss | 
'dismiss-all | 'dismiss-group | string | list of (file-like | string)
+                    (default #f))
+  (on-button-right home-mako-on-button-right     ;#f | 'default | 'dismiss | 
'dismiss-all | 'dismiss-group | list of (file-like | string)
+                   (default 'dismiss))
+  (on-touch home-mako-on-touch                   ;#f | 'default | 'dismiss | 
'dismiss-all | 'dismiss-group | list of (file-like | string)
+            (default 'dismiss))
+  (on-notify home-mako-on-notify                 ;#f | 'default | 'dismiss | 
'dismiss-all | 'dismiss-group | list of (file-like | string)
+             (default #f))
+  (font home-mako-font                           ;string
+        (default "monospace"))
+  (font-size home-mako-font-size                 ;number
+             (default 10))
+  (background-color home-mako-background-color   ;string
+                    (default "285577FF"))
+  (text-color home-mako-text-color               ;string
+              (default "FFFFFFFF"))
+  (width home-mako-width                         ;integer
+         (default 300))
+  (height home-mako-height                       ;integer
+          (default 100))
+  (outer-margin home-mako-outer-margin           ;list of integer
+                (default '(0)))
+  (margin home-mako-margin                       ;list of integer
+          (default '(10)))
+  (padding home-mako-padding                     ;list of integer
+           (default '(5)))
+  (border-size home-mako-border-size             ;integer
+               (default 2))
+  (border-color home-mako-border-color           ;string
+                (default "4C7899FF"))
+  (border-radius home-mako-border-radius         ;integer
+                 (default 0))
+  (progress-color home-mako-progress-color       ;string
+                  (default "5588AAFF"))
+  (progress-style home-mako-progress-style       ;'over | 'source
+                  (default 'over))
+  (icons? home-mako-icons?                       ;boolean
+          (default #t))
+  (max-icon-size home-mako-max-icon-size         ;integer
+                 (default 64))
+  (icon-path home-mako-icon-path                 ;list of string
+             (default '()))
+  (icon-location home-mako-icon-location         ;'left | 'right | 'top | 
+                 (default 'left))
+  (markup? home-mako-markup?                     ;boolean
+           (default #t))
+  (actions? home-mako-actions?                   ;boolean
+            (default #t))
+  (history? home-mako-history?                   ;boolean
+            (default #t))
+  (invisible? home-mako-invisible?               ;boolean
+              (default #f))
+  (format home-mako-format
+          (default "<b>%s</b>\\n%b"))
+  (text-alignment home-mako-text-alignment       ;'left | 'center | 'right
+                  (default 'left))
+  (default-timeout home-mako-default-timeout     ;integer
+                   (default 0))
+  (ignore-timeout? home-mako-ignore-timeout?     ;boolean
+                   (default #f))
+  (group-by home-mako-group-by                   ;list of string
+            (default #f))
+  (max-visible home-mako-max-visible             ;integer
+               (default #f))
+  (output home-mako-output                       ;string
+          (default #f))
+  (layer home-mako-layer                         ;'background | 'bottom | 'top 
| 'overlay
+         (default 'top))
+  (anchor home-mako-anchor                       ;'top-right | 'top-center | 
'top-left | 'bottom-right | 'bottom-center | 'bottom-left | 'center-right | 
'center-left | 'center
+          (default #f)))
+(define (home-mako-configuration-header-attributes section)
+  (define (boolean-clause name field)
+    (let ((value (field section)))
+      (cond ((null? value) '())
+            (value (list "!" name " "))
+            (else (list name)))))
+  (define (string-clause name field)
+    (let ((value (field section)))
+      (if value
+          (list name "=\"" value "\" ")
+          '())))
+  (define (symbol-clause name field)
+    (if (field section)
+        (string-clause name (compose symbol->string field))
+        '()))
+  (define (number-clause name field)
+    (if (field section)
+        (string-clause name (compose number->string field))
+        '()))
+  (append (string-clause "app-name" home-mako-if-app-name)
+          (string-clause "app-icon" home-mako-if-app-icon)
+          (string-clause (if (home-mako-if-summary-regex? section)
+                             "summary~"
+                             "summary")
+                         home-mako-if-summary)
+          (string-clause (if (home-mako-if-body-regex? section)
+                             "body~"
+                             "body")
+                         home-mako-if-body)
+          (symbol-clause "urgency" home-mako-if-urgency)
+          (string-clause "category" home-mako-if-category)
+          (string-clause "desktop-entry" home-mako-if-desktop-entry)
+          (boolean-clause "actionable" home-mako-if-actionable?)
+          (boolean-clause "expiring" home-mako-if-expiring?)
+          (string-clause "mode" home-mako-if-mode)
+          (boolean-clause "grouped" home-mako-if-grouped?)
+          (number-clause "group-index" home-mako-if-group-index)
+          (boolean-clause "hidden" home-mako-if-hidden?)
+          (string-clause "output" home-mako-if-output)
+          (symbol-clause "anchor" home-mako-if-anchor)))
+(define (home-mako-configuration-header section)
+  (match (home-mako-configuration-header-attributes section)
+    (() '())
+    ((attributes ...)
+     (append (list "\n[ ") attributes (list "]\n")))))
+(define (home-mako-configuration-body section)
+  (define (string-clause name field)
+    (let ((value (field section)))
+      (if value
+          (list name "=" (field section) "\n")
+          '())))
+  (define (boolean-clause name field)
+    (list name "=" (if (field section) "1" "0") "\n"))
+  (define (number-clause name field)
+    (if (field section)
+        (string-clause name (compose number->string field))
+        '()))
+  (define (symbol-clause name field)
+    (if (field section)
+        (string-clause name (compose symbol->string field))
+        '()))
+  (define (colour-clause name field)
+    (string-clause name (compose (cute string-append "#" <>)
+                                 field)))
+  (define (directional-clause name field)
+    (if (field section)
+        (string-clause name (compose (cute string-join <> ",")
+                                     (cute map number->string <>)
+                                     field))
+        '()))
+  (define (event-clause name field)
+    (append (list name "=")
+            (match (field section)
+              ('default (list "invoke-default-action"))
+              ('dismiss (list "dismiss"))
+              ('dismiss-all (list "dismiss-all"))
+              ('dismiss-group (list "dismiss-group"))
+              ((args ...)
+               (append (list "exec")
+                       (append-map (cute list " \"" <> "\"")
+                                   args)))
+              (#f (list "none")))
+            (list "\n")))
+  (append (event-clause "on-button-left" home-mako-on-button-left)
+          (event-clause "on-button-middle" home-mako-on-button-middle)
+          (event-clause "on-button-right" home-mako-on-button-right)
+          (event-clause "on-touch" home-mako-on-touch)
+          (event-clause "on-notify" home-mako-on-notify)
+          (list "font=" (home-mako-font section) " "
+                (number->string (home-mako-font-size section)) "\n")
+          (colour-clause "background-color" home-mako-background-color)
+          (colour-clause "text-color" home-mako-text-color)
+          (number-clause "width" home-mako-width)
+          (number-clause "height" home-mako-height)
+          (directional-clause "outer-margin" home-mako-outer-margin)
+          (directional-clause "margin" home-mako-margin)
+          (directional-clause "padding" home-mako-padding)
+          (number-clause "border-size" home-mako-border-size)
+          (colour-clause "border-color" home-mako-border-color)
+          (number-clause "border-radius" home-mako-border-radius)
+          (list "progress-color="
+                (symbol->string (home-mako-progress-style section))
+                " #" (home-mako-progress-color section) "\n")
+          (boolean-clause "icons" home-mako-icons?)
+          (number-clause "max-icon-size" home-mako-max-icon-size)
+          (string-clause "icon-path"
+                         (compose (cute string-join <> ":")
+                                  home-mako-icon-path))
+          (symbol-clause "icon-location" home-mako-icon-location)
+          (boolean-clause "markup" home-mako-markup?)
+          (boolean-clause "actions" home-mako-actions?)
+          (boolean-clause "history" home-mako-history?)
+          (boolean-clause "invisible" home-mako-invisible?)
+          (string-clause "format" home-mako-format)
+          (symbol-clause "text-alignment" home-mako-text-alignment)
+          (number-clause "default-timeout" home-mako-default-timeout)
+          (boolean-clause "ignore-timeout" home-mako-ignore-timeout?)
+          (boolean-clause "ignore-timeout" home-mako-ignore-timeout?)
+          (if (home-mako-group-by section)
+              (string-clause "group-by"
+                             (compose (cute string-join <> ",")
+                                      home-mako-group-by))
+              '())
+          (number-clause "max-visible" home-mako-max-visible)
+          (string-clause "output" home-mako-output)
+          (symbol-clause "layer" home-mako-layer)
+          (symbol-clause "anchor" home-mako-anchor)))
+(define (home-mako-configuration-section section)
+  (append (home-mako-configuration-header section)
+          (home-mako-configuration-body section)))
+(define %home-mako-default-section (home-mako-section))
+(define %home-mako-default-grouped-section
+  (home-mako-section
+   (if-grouped? #t)
+   (format "(%g) <b>%s</b>\\n%b")))
+(define-record-type* <home-mako-configuration>
+  home-mako-configuration make-home-mako-configuration
+  home-mako-configuration?
+  (mako home-mako-configuration-mako             ;file-like
+        (default mako))
+  (sections home-mako-configuration-sections     ;list of <home-mako-section>
+            (default (list %home-mako-default-section
+                           %home-mako-default-grouped-section)))
+  (max-history home-mako-configuration-max-history ;integer
+               (default 5))
+  (sort home-mako-configuration-sort             ;'time | 'priority
+        (default 'time))
+  (sort-order home-mako-configuration-sort-order ;'ascending | 'descending
+              (default 'descending)))
+(define (home-mako-configuration-file config)
+  (apply mixed-text-file "mako-config"
+         (append (list "max-history="
+                       (number->string
+                        (home-mako-configuration-max-history config))
+                       "\n"
+                       "sort="
+                       (match (home-mako-configuration-sort-order config)
+                         ('ascending "+")
+                         ('descending "-"))
+                       (symbol->string (home-mako-configuration-sort config))
+                       "\n")
+                 (append-map home-mako-configuration-section
+                             (home-mako-configuration-sections config)))))
+(define (home-mako-xdg-configuration-files config)
+  `(("mako/config" ,(home-mako-configuration-file config))))
+(define home-mako-service-type
+  (service-type
+   (name 'home-mako)
+   (extensions
+    (list (service-extension home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+                             home-mako-xdg-configuration-files)))
+   (default-value (home-mako-configuration))
+   (description
+    "Install and configure the @code{mako} notification daemon.")))

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