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[rgui-dev] binding only to exposure

From: Tom Sawyer
Subject: [rgui-dev] binding only to exposure
Date: 08 Aug 2002 21:02:41 -0600

let me put the problem of only being able to bind to the exposed
portions of an object via its accessor methods antoher way:

  class X
    attr_accessor :a, :b
    def initialize
      @a = 'string'
      @b = [ 'an', 'array' ]

so here's a dummy class. now lets say i want to give this a gui such the
user sees the values of a and b on the screen, with a as a label and b
as a list (we'll leave out the window definition and all that jazz for
the sake of brevity):

  x =  # Model/Logic/Core-Application (whatever name)

  la =; la.value = x.a
  lb =; lb.items = x.b

okay so far so good. now we wish to bind to them such that if a or b
should change (by whatever means), the gui will reflect that.

  x.bind(:a=) { |x| la.value = x }
  x.bind(:b=) { |x| lb.items = x }

cool. when #a= or #b= is called the gui will reflect the change. now
lets say that class X has an additonal method that does this:

  def update_from_query
    @a = query('a')
    @b << query('b')

with this we're going to run into a problem becasue @a and @b are being
changed "beneath the hood" and our gui bindings won't catch it. our
programmer might be told, it is incorrect form to use @ in the method
and he should use the accessor methods instead. okay he says, i'll
change it:

  def update_from_query
    self.a = query('a')
    self.b << query('b')

well, that helps, even though we had to alter our Model to work for the
gui, at least now a is being caught. But b still is not. how do we
account for that? the only means (that i can think of, at least) are to
catch on update_from_query and modify all relevant bindings:

  x.bind(:update_from_query) {
    la.value = x.a
    lb.value = x.b

so our problem is solved, but i must ask, at what cost? this is a very
simple dummy class we are working with. think of how involved it would
be to do this for something complex. every method that modified any
pertenant variables would require a binding with a proc specifying how
each of those variables are to modify the gui. this can quickly become a
very large task.

for a simple example of what i mean just imagine trying to give a gui to
the an object of type Array in and of itself. you'd have to bind on <<,
sort!, compact!, reverse!, and on and on, for every method that altered
the contents of the array, so that any changes would be "automagically"
reflected/ this simply becomes too unweildy.


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