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[Gzz-commits] journals tjl

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] journals tjl
Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 12:47:02 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/fenfire
Module name:    journals
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/05/02 12:47:02

Modified files:
        .              : tjl 

Log message:


Index: journals/tjl
diff -u journals/tjl:1.54 journals/tjl:1.55
--- journals/tjl:1.54   Wed Apr 30 00:27:24 2003
+++ journals/tjl        Fri May  2 12:47:02 2003
@@ -2,77 +2,117 @@
 - get agora key
 - plan with jvk more experiments
 - think about fillet continuation
+- PEG project management tool's scope
+- think about functional stuff more - sets, added & removed members &c
+- think about scaling (O(x) stuff) in vobs &c
+- benchmarking
 - glmosaictext: text renderers should not depend
   on raster type!!! Just set of texture ids, so easy to 
-  do post-effects
+  do post-effects -- need to expose rectangle - mosaic.
     - what about laziness?
-- fix GLVobCoorder hierarchy: derive it from GLVobCoorder_Gen
+- Screen-space dicing paperquad polishing
+    - homogeneous coordinates throughout transformation hierarchy!
+       - needed for improving texture coordinate quality
+       - Transform::isWGood()?
-- make the PDF block-using tests carry the PDF around and
-  actually create the transient blocks, ask the PDF to be
-  rendered and mipzip to be created and then use them!!
-- finish rdfops benching
+- more improvements to alph span serialization
+    - central class that can initialize from system properties. 
-- pp: show *where* (what dir.) there is more text
+- canvas view 2d: show *where* (what dir.) there is more text / stuff
 - libpaper: optimized paper generation in pbuffer!
-- PEG project management tool's scope
-- think about functional stuff more - sets, added & removed members &c
-- think about scaling in vobs &c
-- benchmarking
+- fix GLVobCoorder hierarchy: derive it from GLVobCoorder_Gen
-- Screen-space dicing paperquad completely polished
-    - homogeneous coordinates throughout transformation hierarchy!
-       - needed for improving texture coordinate quality
-       - Transform::isWGood()?
 - recursive vob scenes
 - a central "caps" class for knowing whether we can do irregu &c.
-- more improvements to alph span serialization
-    - central class that can initialize from system properties. 
+- finish rdfops benching
 - clean up fenfire python package structure, fenfire-package real
+- make buoymanager make the buoys of 400x400 smaller!
+- see that scaling on a small screen works with controller
+- GL clipping along with stencil for efficiency when drawing with big zooms..
+- try lego controller zooming in real fenfire code
+Documentation, high-priority
 - [mudyc] document libvob code generation so that liblines jni part 
   can be implemented. GLRen tutorial...
-- FenPDF:
-    - editing 1: writing new text
-    - editing 2: selecting pieces of pageimage scroll
-    - general adjustments to coordinates and sizes
-    - window: lower & upper view?
-       - different vobscenes?!
-           - vobscene recursion?
-    - editing 3: transclusion of pageimage piece
-    - editing 4: pp links (HOW?!?!)
-- make buoymanager make the buoys of 400x400 smaller!
+- editing 1: writing new text
+- editing 2: selecting pieces of pageimage scroll
+- general adjustments to coordinates and sizes
+- window: lower & upper view?
+    - different vobscenes?!
+       - vobscene recursion?
+- editing 3: transclusion of pageimage piece
+- editing 4: pp links (HOW?!?!)
-- see that scaling on a small screen works with controller
 - determine which pages are how important for mipzip loading.
     - first: real scrollblocks which are shown
     - ideally, NV_occlusion_query?
     - get from actual rendering?
+       - integration of per-frame visuals?
+           - same frame shown for a long time...
-- GL clipping along with stencil for efficiency when drawing with big zooms..
 - FenPDF:
     - enfilade overlaps 3: between different transclusions
@@ -80,9 +120,9 @@
     - explain 
        - transferring photos to shared structure &c
-    - make working LEGO controller
-    - try lego controller zooming in real fenfire code
     - DEADLINE: HT'03 short papers &c
@@ -95,6 +135,7 @@
       [jvk] Check FIXME's in paper.tex 
               - can you easily fix the formatting problems?
 2003-05-02: unknown possibility for working
     - semweb

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