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Re: Second post: Re: [Gzz] PEG: Attacking against GISP

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: Second post: Re: [Gzz] PEG: Attacking against GISP
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 16:37:14 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030527 Debian/1.3.1-2

Hermanni Hyytiälä wrote:
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:04, Benja Fallenstein wrote:

Hermanni Hyytiälä wrote:

On Sat, 2003-06-07 at 21:26, Benja Fallenstein wrote:

Hermanni Hyytiälä wrote:

On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 14:06, Tuomas Lukka wrote:

- A hostile (or faulty) peer(s) stores lot of dummy key-value-pairs with
a certain key

Does GISP allow several values per key?

Like DSHT ? No.

No, like a normal DHT, so that a lookup returns all values associated with a key. Yes, it does; we use it all the time.

Sorry, I don't understand your answer completely :).

I understood Tuomas' question like "Does GISP support frequent fetches
and frequent *stores* of the same hash table key" (like DSHT supports),
not like "Only one value can be stored under a key at any given time in
regular DHTs. Thus, frequent retrievals but only one *store* is
supported. Does GISP support this ?"

The point was simply whether different values can, at the same time, be associated with the same key. The answer is yes.

After a brief discussion with Tuomas, I decided to look GISP's source
code and found this:

-- snip --

> So it seems that GISP *replaces* the value for a
> given key (updates time/date values) rather than appends the value
> (e.g., to the end of a list) associated to a given key.
> Given this, the answer is still no.

So how can you explain away the fact that we have tests proving the contrary?


which inherits from


And the fact that Storm uses this and has worked fine so far, of course.

Then GISPXML.java (which is used, e.g., with the simulator and UDP-imp):

public void insert(String key, String str, long ttl){
        GInfo info = new GInfo(GHash.fromKey(key), ele,
                               getCurrentTime() + ttl, infoComparator);

- -


public void insertGInfo(GInfo newInfo){
            int index = datahouse.indexOf(newInfo);
            if(index == -1){
                GInfo info = (GInfo)datahouse.get(index);
                    // update

The *intent* of the above might be to have only one value associated with one key; I'm not sure about that. However, I cannot see how this can be its effect, given the passing GISP tests and our use of GISP.

It is a bit hard to trace how GInfo.equals() works, but I think that it probably thinks two GInfos are equal only if the values as well as the keys in a key/value mapping are equal. I.e., the above will only update an entry if *both* the key and the value are equal.

Actually that sounds like a more sensible rationale: If both the key and the value are equal, it will update the timestamp on the key/value pair. However, I'm not sure this is correct either; I don't understand the source well enough. :-(

- Benja

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