On 8 November 2012 14:52, Kurt Symanzik
<address@hidden> wrote:
I am a software developer who has volunteered to research, potentially customize, and install an electronic medical record system for the largest "lay-in" maternity clinic in the Philippines, i.e. they use midwives. They conduct about 20,000 pre-natal visits per year and deliver 1,500 to 2,000 babies a year. This is a charity organization that offers these services for free to impoverished families. I live in the Philippines in the same city and am a friend of the founders of the organization.
We have concluded that GnuHealth is the strongest match for our needs and one of the strengths that it has is it's ability to be customized relatively easily for our needs due to Tryton. But they have also found that the health_gyneco module is not suited for the information that they are already collecting nor for their reporting needs to the government. In a broad stroke, about half of the fields in the module they don't need and about half of the fields that they do need are not there at the present time.
A decision will need to be made on whether to create a new module specific to their needs or to discuss potentially extending the health_gyneco module via pull requests, etc. (or a little of both). My request pertains to guidance in this and related matters: do you have any recommendations as we proceed? Words of advice, etc.? Recommended practices?
Thank you for your time.
Kurt Symanzik