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Re: [Health] [Health-announce] GNU Health 2.4.0 is out !

From: Luis Falcon
Subject: Re: [Health] [Health-announce] GNU Health 2.4.0 is out !
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:40:37 +0000
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Dear Marnix

On 27/01/14 08:19, Marnix Janse wrote:
> Thank you for this release and the hard work Luis. I take my hat of
> for you! I wanted to install a fresh OpenSUSE installation this
> morning, but I guess I left my brain at home. After installation,
> following the current OpenSUSE documentation, I could not connect
> to the database (Documentation FIXME: modified Firewall setup) and
> it gave me incompatible version error. Then my brain woke up and
> realized that the OpenSUSE repositories might not have been
> updated. Could I help updating it, or could you let me know when
> this is scheduled? I will compile it from source, but I would like
> to document the OpenSUSE package method.
> - Tryton client 3.0.2 MAC - 2.2.2-2.1 (from repo)
Thanks for your kind words !
It looks more like a client issue.
I'm copying the GNU Health general mailing list. Axel Braun knows well
OpenSUSE and GNU Health, and he works on the OpenSUSE documentation.

I will install today this version (2.4.0) on the community server, so
we are all in the same page, and report back to you if I find any issues.

> Marnix
> On 27 jan. 2014, at 02:22, Luis Falcon <address@hidden>
> wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I'm proud to announce that GNU Health 2.4.0 is available to
>> download.
>> After more than 3 months of work, the latest version bring the
>> following features, among others :
>> * Tryton 3.0 compatibility * Real-time Pediatric Growth Charts
>> reports * Automatic Patient Critical Info display. * WHO
>> International Classification of Procedures in Medicine * Add
>> Italian as an official language * Improved appointment
>> management * Signing medical documents (evaluations, surgeries,
>> hospitalizations) * Improved Neonatology module, and patient
>> assignment to the newborn * Include standard tags for pathology
>> groups (such as "allergic" or "infectious")
>> Many other "behind-the-scenes" activities have been conducted,
>> such as bugfixing, rewrite methods and classes, replace imaging
>> libraries, ...
>> ** Installation : ---------------- If you are installing GNU
>> Health as the first time, follow the instructions in
>> ** Existing Installations : Upgrade procedure : 
>> ----------------------------------------------- If you already
>> have a GNU Health system in your health center, you should
>> upgrade it to 2.4.0
>> As always, the upgrade path is included in GNU Health. The
>> upgrade for version 2.4.0 is pretty straight forward :
>> 1) Follow the Upgrade Instructions in the Wikibook 
>> 2) Run the script provided on the directory
>> gnuhealth-2.4.0/scripts/2.4 to update the modules model. Read the
>> README file.
>> ** Official Languages. ----------------------- We have English,
>> French, Italian and Spanish as the official languages. The
>> language packs of the official languages are included in the GNU 
>> Health package, with all the modules, so there is no need to
>> download. There are over 80 GNU Health language teams in
>> Transifex. If you are a language maintainer and want to include
>> your language for the next stable release, please send us a mail
>> to address@hidden .
>> Thanks ! ------- Many thanks to all of you that make GNU Health
>> every day better. My colleagues from GNU Solidario and Thymbra ;
>> friends from B2CK and Tryton community - always available to
>> answer my questions on IRC :) ; and the whole GNU Health
>> community around the world that contributes with bug reporting,
>> translations and ideas.
>> Enjoy the new version and report any bug / issues / improvements
>> to address@hidden !
>> Best,
>> -- GNU Health : The Free Health and Hospital Information System 
>> Twitter: @gnuhealth

- -- 
GNU Health : The Free Health and Hospital Information System
Twitter: @gnuhealth
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