Hey folks....I'm really sorry to bug you with this silly problem, but
I swear Ï've tried all that's been posted and documented so far:
So I'll try to describe sequentially how I'm doing things:
1) Lubuntu 14.04 V,.
2) Tryton 3.4 (installed through Mercurial). This is where I really don't know if I'm doing things right, since I have a trytond.conf sitting in /etc whit the old version format (where tryton server user and pass. where configured). I also have a trytond.conf file inside home/tryton/trytond/trytond.conf. So how can I make sure trytond is running with the 3.4 trytond.conf file?
3) I've configured the [database] section with the format user:address@hidden:5432. I've also checked that the db user has the appropiate password.
4) I've created the super_pwd with the Unix crypt routine and saved such password in the [session] section of trytond.conf
I'm I missing someting????
Still get a wrong tryton server password whenever I try to create a new db....
Thanks and excuse me, please....
Lic. Cecilia Santos Popper