> Logging on with this new created user, i receive the error message "you cannot write in this document! > (party.party)"when i try to create a person (party). see attached screenshot.
> when i do the same with the admin user of hospital GNU SOLIDARIO it works.
Are you sure that you did correctly assign the access rights? Giving more rights doesn't mean anything. You may have combined various "conflicting" rights. There is certainly one which prevents this user from writing into the party model.
User rights are best managed by user groups. You may check the permission of a specific group. For exemple to verify the access permission of the Party Administration group, proceed as follows (as admin user):
Main menu - Administration - Groups - Switch View (or double click)
Click on the - Access Permissions - tab
Click on the - Access Model - tab
Rights permissions will be displayed for each corresponding model.
You may even assign access rights for each model attribute.
If you'd like to learn more about it, you may consult the official Tryton web site (www.tryton.org)
Kind regards,