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[Heartlogic-dev] comments from dayna - first guinea pig

From: William L. Jarrold
Subject: [Heartlogic-dev] comments from dayna - first guinea pig
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 21:44:00 -0500 (CDT)

Hi Joshua,

I got Dayna a buddy of mine to try it out while I watched!! We noticed these bugs/misfeatures. Can you fix them? She had more comments
but I am out of time.  I will email about those soon.



* she chose neutral and it said she chose highly believable.  i noticed
this too.  just now 2005-05-16::21:33 i choose moderatley unelievable
and it said i chose highly belieavle...likewise, to jack and kiill she
said highly unbelievable and it said she said neutral.

* she noticed this html typo...."how believable is robo ralph’s"

* Items should not repeat: It repeated "Jesus loves his father bc
jesus is God's son." when Dayna took the survey. After Operation Baby Pilot we may wish to intentionally give user a few repeat items to test their reliability. But we should have explicit control over repeats.

* red question mark on jack and jill story is confusing.

* She did bunches of items.  Then it said There are curently no
anonynmous activities.  You can login if you like."  When you are
finished it should not say that.  It should say somethign like "You
are done."

p.s. hrm, Bill obsesses and ruminates...should I have added these to the wiki?

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