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left side of pipe

From: Pascal
Subject: left side of pipe
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 20:33:27 +0100

hi everybody,

I am trying to set up a graphical interface to the command line tool
ewfacquire ( with the graphical tool yad (
here is roughly the bash script used :

set -o pipefail
ewfacquier -t /tmp/test /dev/sda1 |
yad --progress --progress-text "copying..." --pulsate --auto-close
--auto-kill --button=Cancel:252
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
    yad --text="OK:-)" --button=Return --image=emblem-default
    yad --text="KO:-(" --button=Cancel --image=emblem-noread

it works fine as long as I don't stop yad.
if I stop yad, the ewfacquire process continues to run for a few more
(long) seconds even though the script is finished.
how to stop ewfacquire when canceling yad (while keeping the pipe exit code
in the opposite case for the if test) ?

regards, lacsaP.

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