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Re: setting repository variable in cfservd.conf crashes cfservd

From: Mark . Burgess
Subject: Re: setting repository variable in cfservd.conf crashes cfservd
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 08:53:38 +0100 (MET)

Fixed in 2.1.1

On  7 Nov, Marion Hakanson wrote:
> I ran across this issue by accident, while importing the same
> "cf.globalvars" file that I use in my cfagent.conf.  Through a
> process of elimination, I discovered that adding the following
> to cfservd.conf will result in a core dump (SEGV) in cfservd:
>   control:
>     repository = ( /var/cfengine/rep )
> This is with cfengine-2.0.4 on SPARC/Solaris-2.6, and also with
> cfengine-2.0.5pre on SPARC/Solaris-8.
> Note that several other "special" cfagent.conf variables do _not_
> have this effect.  It's not difficult to work around, but it sure
> took me awhile to track down the problem.
> Regards,

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