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editfilesize - bizarre ongoings

From: Marco van Beek
Subject: editfilesize - bizarre ongoings
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:14:36 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)


I just had a very strange thing happen. I had my editfilesize set to 20000, (ie ~20K), and had an error editting a file that is 9002 Byte in it's final state, 9008 before it was edited.

Anyway, confused by the mathematics, I upped the number to 40000, and still the same error. So I set it to 0 to see if I was changing the right thing, and it worked fine, so I started from 100000, wiped the file in question, and tried. It worked. Changed down to 40000, worked. Changed down to 20000. Still works.

So it is now back at the original value but now it works. No idea why, unless there was some sort of accumulative effect that I cannot replicate.


Marco van Beek
Supporting Role Ltd / Forget About IT Ltd.
Grove Park Studios,
188-192 Sutton Court Rd,
London, W4 3HR
T: 0870 757 2824 / 0870 757 2924
F: 0870 757 2826 / 0870 757 2926
M: 0788 770 3604

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