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[help-cgicc] Subclassing CgiInput

From: mk . gnu
Subject: [help-cgicc] Subclassing CgiInput
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 20:49:30 +0200

Hello @All.
I hope anyone can help me on this topic. I'm trying to use the cgicc library in 
a FastCgi environment. Therefore I want to subclass CgiInput as described in 
the cgicc documentation. My FastCgiInput class looks as follows:

        class FastCgiInput
         : public cgicc::CgiInput {

        friend class FastCgiManager;

                FastCgiInput(const FastCgiInput & anOriginal);


                read(char * Data, size_t aLength) const;

                getenv(const char * aName) const;


The constructor is private, because only the methods of the friend class 
FastCgiManager should be able to create FastCgiInput objects. It has no effect, 
if I change the constructors to be public. However, the behaviour is not the 
desired one: It is possible to create a new object of type FastCgiInput and the 
overloaded methods read and getenv work fine, if called directly on the created 
object. But it is impossible to create an object of type CgiEnvironment by 
passing a FastCgiInput object to the constructor. If doing so, the 
CgiEnvironment seems not to be able to read out the environment variables. As 
an illustration:

FastCgiInput *   i = new FastCgiInput();
CgiEnvironment * e = new CgiEnvironment(i);

A call to i->getenv("QUERY_STRING") is successful and returns the right query 
string, but a call to e->getQueryString() returns an empty string.

The documentation says, that the operator= must be overloaded. What exactly 
does that mean? What signature should I use when overloading operator=? How 
does this affect the behaviour of the code?


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