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Re: FW: [help-GIFT] Using GIFT

From: Henning Müller
Subject: Re: FW: [help-GIFT] Using GIFT
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:33:52 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

Dear Majit,

for using gift you will need a client in either Java or php. Links to clients can be found on the GIFT web pages.

Some error messages with GIFT are "normal" and things work anyways.
To be able to analyse the problems it would be necessary to give detailed information on the linux system you use and the full output of the server when starting.

Cheers, Henning

Majid NAJJAR a écrit :
Dear Niles
I m really sorry to bother u again, but i would appreciate if i can have an 
answer soon, I m really stucked and i have  a deadline for having something 
i thank u a lot in advance

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 15:38:34 -0500
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [help-GIFT] Using GIFT

Hi, I remember having a similar problem--this is mentioned elsewhere
on the list, and I think the problem is with the add-collection
script.  Unfortunately I don't remember how I resolved the issue or if
the solution is mentioned on the list.  If I have some time tonight or
tomorrow, I'll look through my version of the script and see if I can
figure out what changes I made.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm not ignoring you though :)


On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Majid NAJJAR  wrote:
Hi, GIFT is said to be a great tool to find similar images.
After days of fighting I've been able to install GIFT 0.1.14 on Linux openSUSE 
11.0. But i don't know what to do with it !!!
I don't want to read and compare images from a database  ( i will do it later 
on ) but i need to do it from a specific folder.

in /usr/local/bin i've executed ./ /home/maj/Desktop/Logo/
then executed ./gift

The current configuration directory is: /home/maj
Opening port 12789
TCP socket successfully initialized:9
TCP socket successfully initialized:10
Waiting for connection...

A new folder was Logo_thumbnails but nothing inside it.

I've tried to repeat the operation but when i've launched the 
./ /home/maj/Desktop/Logo/
an error showed up:


Copying /home/maj/gift-config.mrml to /home/maj/gift-config.mrml-old

Can't locate object method "getAttribute" via package "XML::DOM::Attr" at 
./ line 796,  line 44.

Is it normal to have such error? And how can I use GIFT in order to find 
similar images ? Would you please give me some uselful tutorials ?!

NB: I'm new to Linux so please give me a clear explanation.

Thanks in advance,

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