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[Help-glpk] What is the meaning of: warning: final NL....

From: Ignacio Carrasco G
Subject: [Help-glpk] What is the meaning of: warning: final NL....
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 15:30:34 -0300 (CLST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.6 [CVS]-0.cvs20050812.1.fc3

Hi, I'm new here.
I need some help with the following problem:

#primer ejemplop
set PRD;  #conjunto de productos
set CIU;
param precio_c{PRD}; #precio competencia
param precio{j in PRD}>=precio_c[j];  #parametro de los precios
param cos_trans{PRD, CIU};
param cmin {PRD};
param cmax{CIU};
var trans{PRD,CIU} >=0;
minimize ganancia: -sum {p in PRD, ff in CIU}
s.t. cantmin {hh in PRD}: sum {j in CIU} trans[hh,j]>= cmin[hh];
s.t. cantmax {hh in CIU}: sum {j in PRD} trans[j,hh]<= cmax[hh];

After use

glpsol --model ferre.mod --data ferre.dat

The following message appears.

Reading model section from ferre.mod...
ferre.mod:21: warning: final NL missing before end of file
21 lines were read
Reading data section from ferre.dat...
ferre.dat:46: warning: final NL missing before end of file
46 lines were read
Generating ganancia...
Generating cantmin...
Generating cantmax...
Model has been successfully generated
lpx_simplex: original LP has 9 rows, 16 columns, 48 non-zeros
lpx_simplex: presolved LP has 8 rows, 16 columns, 32 non-zeros
lpx_adv_basis: size of triangular part = 8
*     4:   objval = -1.722700000e+004   infeas =  0.000000000e+000 (0) OPTIMAL
Time used:   -0.0 secs
Memory used: 0.2M (175658 bytes)

So, my questions are:
1) What is the meaning of: "warning: final NL missing before end of file" 2)
Why glpk didn't get the right solution?  (true sol : -184357)

Best regards and happy new year for everybody.

Ignacio Carrasco

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