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no connection lisp-mode buffer and *inferior-lisp*

From: Orm Finnendahl
Subject: no connection lisp-mode buffer and *inferior-lisp*
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 12:23:26 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


since upgrading to emacs 21.3 I can't get the connection between a
source lisp file and an inferior lisp buffer. It used to work fine

I started up an inferior lisp with "M-x run-lisp", which establishes
an *inferior-lisp* buffer. Trying to evaluate an expression in a
lisp-mode buffer, I get the error "You must start an inferior LISP
with run-ilisp" in the command buffer. Doing that and specifying
"lisp" as the Dialect won't help either.

Below is my configuration concerning lisp/scheme in my .emacs.

I had the same problem with scheme but found out that this goes away
if I switch to scheme-mode in an arbitrary buffer *before* issuing
"M-x run-scheme". After that it works with all scheme-mode buffers. I
suspect some scheme-mode hook taking care of establishing a link
between scheme mode buffers and the scheme process but couldn't find
the culprit. Now I just have (scheme-mode) in my .emacs as a
workaround. I'd rather solve that cleaner though.

Thanx for any hints,

(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/clisp")
(load-library "ilisp-scheme-easy-menu")
(setq scheme-program-name "guile -l /usr/share/guile/site/siteinit.scm")
(setq guile-program "guile -l /usr/share/guile/site/siteinit.scm")

         ;; Add new keybindings: C-x C-e evaluates the *next* form,
         ;; C-x C-m macroexpands the next form.
         (defun lisp-eval-sexp (&optional and-go)
           "Send the next sexp to the inferior Lisp process.
            Prefix argument means switch to the Lisp buffer afterwards."
           (interactive "P")
           (lisp-eval-region (point)
                             (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point))
         ) )
         (defun lisp-macroexpand-region (start end &optional and-go)
           "Macroexpand the current region in the inferior Lisp process.
            Prefix argument means switch to the Lisp buffer afterwards."
           (interactive "r\nP")
            (format "(macroexpand-1 (quote %s))\n" (buffer-substring start end))
           (if and-go (switch-to-lisp t))
         (defun lisp-macroexpand-sexp (&optional and-go)
           "Macroexpand the next sexp in the inferior Lisp process.
            Prefix argument means switch to the Lisp buffer afterwards."
           (interactive "P")
           (lisp-macroexpand-region (point)
                                    (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point))
         ) )
         ;; Define the great keybindings.

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