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Re: using special-display-regexps

From: Michael Slass
Subject: Re: using special-display-regexps
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 23:43:18 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Barman Brakjoller <> writes:

>I'm trying to teach emacs to treat some buffers in a special way using
>this code that is supposed to work:
>(setq special-display-regexps 
>      '(("jabber-chat" 
>      ((top . 10) (height . 5) (left . 200)))))
>In the documentation string thew following can be seen:
>  *List of regexps saying which buffers should have their own special
>  frames.  If a buffer name matches one of these regexps, it gets its
>  own frame.  Displaying a buffer whose name is in this list makes a
>  special frame for it using `special-display-function'.
>  An element of the list can be a list instead of just a string.
>  There are two ways to use a list as an element:
>  In the first case, FRAME-PARAMETERS are used to create the frame.
>It works only half way, emacs opens up matching buffers in a new
>frame, but the supplied frame parameters is not applied.
>What am I doing wrong?
>I have loaded emacs using --no-init-file and --no-site-file but to no

The frame parameters should each be elements at the same level as
"jabber-chat", rather than in their own enclosing list, as you've got it.
Also, it's better to use (add-to-list ...) rather than setq in this
context, because setq will clobber anything that's already there.

Put those together, and I think you get something like this:

(add-to-list 'special-display-regexps 
      '("jabber-chat" (top . 10) (height . 5) (left . 200)))

Mike Slass

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