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Re: Undefined color error

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Undefined color error
Date: 05 Nov 2004 06:31:14 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Ken Keefe <> writes:

> Hello, I recently installed the latest Mandrake Linux distro and emacs
> seems to be broken. Here is what happens when I try to start emacs from
> a terminal:
> $ emacs
> Undefined color: "black"
> And that is all that happens. I have tried reinstalling it, I even
> installed it from the tarball available on Same thing. I am
> guessing that this might be a problem with X or something? I can do
> emacs -nw and it works, but I like the X version. I have completely
> removed my .emacs file, so I don't think it can be that. 

My guess is that it's a X problem too. Check the ~/.Xresources file

You may have lines like:

emacs*Background:                 white
emacs*Foreground:                 black
emacs*pointerColor:               red
emacs*cursorColor:                black

X keeps a dictionnary of color names in files named rgb.txt.  It seems
emacs has a copy in its etc directory too:

These files contains RGB values in decimal followed by the name of the

255 255 250             white
255 250 250             snow
248 248 255             ghost white
248 248 255             GhostWhite
245 245 245             white smoke
245 245 245             WhiteSmoke
255   0   0     red
  0 255   0     green
  0   0 255     blue
  0   0   0             black

> Thanks ahead of time for your help. I love emacs!! I feel like I have
> been separated from a brother or something!

__Pascal Bourguignon__

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