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Re: How to suppress echo in *shell* ?

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: Re: How to suppress echo in *shell* ?
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 22:00:59 -0600

   In my Emacs shell (i.e. the *shell* buffer) every command gets
   echoed.  For example:

     e> % date
     Tue Nov 23 21:19:03 EST 2004
     e> % echo very annoying
     echo very annoying
     very annoying

   How can I fix this?


   Sent from a spam-bucket account; I check it once in a blue moon.  If
   you still want to e-mail me, cut out the extension from my address,
   and make the obvious substitutions on what's left.

M-x apropos-variable RET

Make the obvious substitutions.

- --
Actually the documentation for `comint-process-echoes' might be
somewhat misleading, but twiddling the variable works.  So do:
(add-hook 'comint-mode-hook (lambda () (setq comint-process-echoes t)))

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