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Re: hide local variables in enriched mode

From: drkm
Subject: Re: hide local variables in enriched mode
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 04:18:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

Pascal Bourguignon <> writes:

> I'd try to narrow the region before ps-printing.


> This could be done automatically with something like:

> -*- mode: fileadapt -*-

> blah blah blah

> Local Variables:
> eval: (let ((start (progn (beginning-of-buffer) (forward-line 2) (point))) 
> (end ((end-of-buffer) (re-search-backward "Local Variables") (forward-line 
> -1) (point)))) (narrow-to-region start end))
> End:

  You forgot a "progn" before "end-of-buffer", I guess.

> (Of course, you could define a function in ~/.emacs and use it in
> eval: in place of this complex expression.)

  I think the "eval" pseudo-local variable is annoying.  Because Emacs
ask you every time you open the file.  What do you think about
something like this:

    (defun sk:hide-local-variables ()
      (narrow-to-region (point-min)
                         ;; TODO: Set the BOUND arg.
                         (re-search-backward "Local Variables" nil t)
                         (forward-line -1)

    (defadvice ps-print-buffer
      (around sk:ps-print-buffer activate)

    (defadvice ps-print-buffer-with-faces
      (around sk:ps-print-buffer-with-faces activate)

    (defadvice ps-spool-buffer
      (around sk:ps-spool-buffer activate)

    (defadvice ps-spool-buffer-with-faces
      (around sk:ps-spool-buffer-with-faces activate)

  If you want to say with a local variables to narrow or not, you can
change the advices like this:

    (defvar sk:ps-hide-local-variables nil

    (defadvice ps-print-buffer
      (around sk:ps-print-buffer activate)
          (when sk:ps-hide-local-variables

    ;; and the like ...

and put this in your file:

    ;; Local Variables
    ;; sk:ps-hide-local-variables: t
    ;; End

  What do you think about this?

--drkm, que, finalement, fcae est chouette, aussi ;-)

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