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Re: turning off underlining, bold, all faces

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: turning off underlining, bold, all faces
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 02:04:42 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux) (Karl Berry) writes:

> devising a new terminal type
> without the attributes would have the same effect.

here is a command you can use in emacs' src/ subdir:

sed -e '/T[SN]_.*= tget/!d' \
    -e 's/= tget......//' \
    -e 's/\".*//' \
    -e 's/.*\(T[SN]_.*\) \([^ ][^ ]*\)$/\2 \1/' \

it shows which terminal capabilities are used by emacs
on console to effect bold, underline, etc.  you can copy
the vt100 entry from /etc/termcap (or wherever) and remove
those capabilities you wish to disable.  for example, to
zonk bold, change ":md=BLAH:" to ":".  save the entry to
~/.termcap and set the TERMCAP env var to that file.  you
have to exit/restart emacs at this point, (un)fortunately,
to use the new settings.

i've appended the output for those (poor souls) w/o access
to source code, or are otherwise uninclined to experiment,
or are otherwise bound by idiotic legal systems that mar
their free thought potential.


al TS_ins_line
AL TS_ins_multi_lines
bl TS_bell
cd TS_clr_to_bottom
ce TS_clr_line
cl TS_clr_frame
cs TS_set_scroll_region
cS TS_set_scroll_region_1
dc TS_del_char
DC TS_del_multi_chars
dl TS_del_line
DL TS_del_multi_lines
dm TS_delete_mode
ed TS_end_delete_mode
ei TS_end_insert_mode
ic TS_ins_char
IC TS_ins_multi_chars
im TS_insert_mode
ip TS_pad_inserted_char
ke TS_end_keypad_mode
ks TS_keypad_mode
pc TS_pad_char
rp TS_repeat
se TS_end_standout_mode
sf TS_fwd_scroll
so TS_standout_mode
sr TS_rev_scroll
te TS_end_termcap_modes
ti TS_termcap_modes
vb TS_visible_bell
ve TS_cursor_normal
vs TS_cursor_visible
vi TS_cursor_invisible
wi TS_set_window
us TS_enter_underline_mode
ue TS_exit_underline_mode
md TS_enter_bold_mode
mh TS_enter_dim_mode
mb TS_enter_blink_mode
mr TS_enter_reverse_mode
as TS_enter_alt_charset_mode
ae TS_exit_alt_charset_mode
me TS_exit_attribute_mode
op TS_orig_pair
AF TS_set_foreground
AB TS_set_background
Sf TS_set_foreground
Sb TS_set_background
Co TN_max_colors
pa TN_max_pairs
NC TN_no_color_video

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