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Re: Speed up Emacs startup

From: Anselm Helbig
Subject: Re: Speed up Emacs startup
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 01:07:23 +0100
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.11.30 (Wonderwall) Emacs/21.4 Mule/5.0 (SAKAKI)

hi again, sebastien, 

> I've completely avoided that problem by using a `try-require'
> function: if the package is not installed, it'll just go on as
> if nothing happened.
> [...]
> If I would spend some time on customizing that function, it
> could even tell the user the list of missing packages. Better
> can't be.

you could as well code an advice for require and/or load. but maybe
that's just a matter of taste. i prefer to use as much of the
`built-in' infrastructure as possible. 

another drawback of you approach: if someone copies snippets of your
.emacs, they won't work unless he or she copies your
`try-require'-defun as well. this cannot happen if you'd use
`require', and you can nevertheless have additional functionality with

but all this depends on your needs, like, how many different
installations you have to use, and how you share your .emacs with

> > i only left `require's in my .emacs if the package is either very
> > small (browse-killring+), binds a lot of keys (vcursor), i really need
> > it every time (ido, session) or if i was just too lazy to update my
> > autoloads yet.
> >
> > tell me if you know other reasons to keep them. 8-)
> My only reason to keep the require explicitly in the `.emacs'
> configuration file is then, still, the wish of completeness
> about what I personally loads when using Emacs on my PC.

you pay with your longer startup time for that. and regarding your
`wish for completeness': many of emacs' functions are autoloaded, all
the programming modes, for example. but you don't you feel incomplete
when you open the first c-file in a session, do you? 8-)

> > i cut my startup time down from 16s to 4s using autoloads. i think it
> > was worth it. 8-)
> My only problem is, and therefore you're right, I've still have
> to wait 24 seconds for my Emacs to be ready to accept my input...

hum. thinking about it, there is another way, apart from autoloads, to
make emacs start faster: you can dump your own executable with all
your packages already loaded. read more about it here:

        (info "(Elisp)GNU Emacs Internals")

there's also a page on about this, with a more detailed
explanation on how to actually use this. i tried it, and ran into some
problems, my dumped emacs behaved sort of weird - maybe you're more
determined and can make it work for you. 8-)

anyway, there are many ways to achieve things in emacs, so everyone
can take what they like best and customize the hell out of this

but, hey, the way _i_ use emacs is of course the best. and my taste in music
is superior as well. 8;->>

kind regards and (all-hail-emacs), 


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