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Re: how to read mail (Gnus)

From: Taylor Venable
Subject: Re: how to read mail (Gnus)
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 15:01:53 -0400
User-agent: Gnus 5.11 / Emacs / Linux 2.6.20

sroh <> writes:

> what is Next step for reading mail?

You need to set your secondary select method to use whatever mail
backend you want.  For example, I use nnml because it stores each
message in an individual file, which makes access fast.

>From "C-h v gnus-secondary-select-methods":

| If, for instance, you want to read your mail with the nnml back end,
| you could set this variable:
| (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")))

Then you need to set the variable nnmail-split-methods so that the
mail is categorized correctly:

| This variable is a list of lists, where the first element of each of
| these lists is the name of the mail group (they do not have to be
| called something beginning with `mail', by the way), and the second
| element is a regular expression used on the header of each mail to
| determine if it belongs in this mail group.

And lastly, please make sure:

| The last of these groups should always be a general one, and the
| regular expression should _always_ be `""' so that it matches any
| mails that haven't been matched by any of the other regexps.

When you've got everything set up, M-x gnus and subscribe to some of
the groups that mail gets split into according to nnmail-split-methods.

If you get stuck, read the Gnus manual either online at or from an Info browser: C-h i.

Taylor Venable

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