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Re: latex files encoding

From: Emilio Lopes
Subject: Re: latex files encoding
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 18:03:14 +0200
User-agent: Emacs Gnus

Harald Hanche-Olsen writes:

>   (push '("[.]tex$" . utf-8) file-coding-system-alist)

> (er, push is part of the cl package, so you need (require 'cl) first,
> or rewrite to the equivalent non-cl elisp - which I admit I am too
> lazy to figure out right now).

It is called `add-to-list' and has the additional advantage of being
idempotent: it will not add a value to the list if it's already
there.  This is a plus when you reload your init-files e.g.

Note that the order of the arguments is different compared to `push'
and that the list variable must be quoted:

     (add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist '("[.]tex$" . utf-8))

Emílio C. Lopes                            Ich leb und weiß nit wie lang,
Munich, Germany                            ich stirb und weiß nit wann,
                                           ich fahr und weiß nit wohin,
                 (Martinus von Biberach)   mich wundert, dass ich fröhlich bin!

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